Bishan CNY Gathering on 13 Feb 2008, the 7th day of Lunar New Year .....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-02-04 10:42

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

birthday for everyone.

By the way, the trophies for 2007 Bishan Internal Competition should be in by tomorrow before CNY, in time for the prize giving to be held in the same function. We also plan to appoint 3 more new EXCO members at the same time.

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2008 华族文化节 Xiangqi Programme ...... 棋人生   (256 bytes , 929reads )
Two xiangqi events under 2008 华族文化节 were completed, ..... 齐启棋   (492 bytes , 209reads )
So far I played for all 华族文化节 chess activities to support for 华族文化 卷心菜   (544 bytes , 363reads )
You scored two in three competitions, very good performance !!! 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 289reads )
今天确定不能去李美花和新柔了。祝新加坡大胜柔佛。 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 235reads )
todate, exit permit still not granted by my boss ....:( 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 266reads )
Your Boss? I thought you are chairman already! 卷心菜   (179 bytes , 287reads )
Maybe he referred to his wife. :D 几度   (54 bytes , 275reads )
知我者, 几度也. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 203reads )
卷心菜赶快结婚吧。 几度   (58 bytes , 209reads )
结吧结吧, 大家一起结吧!! Eteng   (59 bytes , 210reads )
Eteng说“大家”,那就是连自己也拖下水了。 几度   (22 bytes , 228reads )
以后给孩子起个普通点的名字 几度   (76 bytes , 222reads )
这个有什么好介意的···只不过叫你们早点结婚? Eteng   (85 bytes , 227reads )
我介意 嘿嘿 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 214reads )
郁闷, 我是不是华新上帖子被删最多人啊? Eteng   (228 bytes , 206reads )
Eteng我把你本来这里的跟帖删了 一刀n断   (163 bytes , 225reads )
PR status = Permanent Release (to xiangqi), a blank cheque ?! not easy.:) 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 296reads )
啊,我把exit permit理解错了 卷心菜   (350 bytes , 271reads )
You will know all these terms better after getting married .... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 219reads )
I am still hope for if there are some "fee" seats, i.e. less than 60 seats .. 齐启棋   (106 bytes , 339reads )
29 Feb 2008 Zaobao Page 30 and The Straits Times Life Page 8 ... 齐启棋   (314 bytes , 265reads )
anyway, the publicity is just in time to remind all players regarding the .... 齐启棋   (291 bytes , 252reads )
city hall地铁站旁边的那个大教堂一直有特大华文条幅:让我们“暗暗”的跟随他。 卷心菜   (88 bytes , 282reads )
听起来象是······ 几度   (32 bytes , 262reads )
2008 Bishan Cup (1 & 2 Mar) -- All 57 players please read the details ..... 齐启棋   (460 bytes , 332reads )
List of Winners ...... 齐启棋   (46 bytes , 217reads )
Summary Information of 2008 Bishan Cup Day 1 -- 1 Mar 2008 ..... 齐启棋   (465 bytes , 223reads )
以立体象棋联合挂帅 。。。。 齐启棋   (126 bytes , 269reads )
relatives wedding dinner and in hospital, we could have only 54 players...... 齐启棋   (68 bytes , 256reads )
To all 2008 Bishan Cup Players, see you all in Classroom 2. 齐启棋   (707 bytes , 224reads )
As indicated in entry forms, all players must bring along NRICs for checking, .. 齐启棋   (83 bytes , 225reads )
张顺喜 has requested to register for one more member as 赖颖正 is not free. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 260reads )
wan 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 203reads )
aiyah, did not switch to Chinese, 王锐荣 to replace 赖颖正 for the team. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 223reads )
even we increase the total of cash prizes from $430 to $900, ..... 齐启棋   (1108 bytes , 285reads )
The Design of Trophies .... 齐启棋   (434 bytes , 253reads )
The opening of 2008 华族文化节 ..... 棋人生   (180 bytes , 181reads )
saw in today Zaobao 华族文化节 programmes for 23 to 28 Feb, very slow lah ..... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 264reads )
24 Feb afternoon CNY gathering of Pasir Ris East C.C. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 274reads )
SIXGA CNY Gathering on 18 Feb night, 山西晋城棋手 in 18 & 19 Feb nights, .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 276reads )
17日 8 PM beidou 5名代表出战山西晋城棋手 at beidou club house. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 234reads )
All SIXGA members are invited for CNY Gathering, letters going out ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 285reads )
In CNY Gathering, 象总林关浩会长 highlighted 3 coming events in 2008 ...... 齐启棋   (98 bytes , 223reads )
the certificates will be issued to 9 members who have passed the exam .... 棋人生   (59 bytes , 273reads )
赖君奇 陈茂然 柳国斌 陈弈秋 杨平德 洪泉发 沈连发 林松寬 吴得顺 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 610reads )
听说18 Feb 7pm象总,新加坡棋手vs山西晋城棋手 卷心菜   (60 bytes , 229reads )
我想去我想去!!! Eteng   (99 bytes , 266reads )
如果有空 可前去观摩学习一下 有人同去否? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 200reads )
18日将由2007年全国赛A组的前5名代表象总出战 ..... 棋人生   (78 bytes , 251reads )
山西晋城棋手 with Boon Lay 棋手 on 19 Feb, please check the venue !!! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 262reads )
Bishan CNY Gathering on 13 Feb 2008, the 7th day of Lunar New Year ..... 棋人生   (253 bytes , 298reads )
人日 = birthday for everyone ???!!! Happy Birthday to All. :) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 257reads )
悟入棋途五周年 (3 月10日) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 234reads )
热烈庆祝悟入棋途五周年!!! 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 201reads )
棋仙 said previously, 怎么选"三八"这天? ...... 齐启棋   (110 bytes , 263reads )
甘榜格南快棋赛 (个人 8 Mar, 双人 9 Mar) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 258reads )
甘榜格南快棋赛 Award Winners ....... 齐启棋   (237 bytes , 470reads )
甘榜格南双人赛第一轮:将5进9+卷心菜(先负)刘忆豪+赖俊杰 卷心菜   (544 bytes , 283reads )
“先负”又 “最终黑失势超时认负” 到底谁赢? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 222reads )
写错,红少卒少时间,自然是红超时作负。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 218reads )
看来你还在晕呢 红少卒 一开始就少5只呢~~ 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 192reads )
甘榜格南双人赛第二轮:将5进9+卷心菜(和)郑木兴+林松宽 卷心菜   (757 bytes , 268reads )
甘榜格南双人赛第五轮:黄培森+廖铭濠 vs 将5进9+卷心菜 卷心菜   (391 bytes , 290reads )
甘榜格南双人赛(9 Mar)黄培森+廖铭濠组合4胜2和获得冠军 卷心菜   (174 bytes , 331reads )
heard that all top 3 teams with 9 points ..... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 316reads )
甘榜格南快棋赛(个人 8 Mar):蔡俊杰7轮全胜获得冠军。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 292reads )
Bishan will pass those forms to 陈运灏 on 1 Mar when he visits us ... 齐启棋   (146 bytes , 271reads )
Bishan 个人 4 players, 双人 3 teams ...... 齐启棋   (97 bytes , 229reads )
陈茗芳女将实在厉害,佩服佩服。 卷心菜   (717 bytes , 298reads )
Please note the closing date of 24 Feb 2008, ..... 齐启棋   (223 bytes , 280reads )
茶阳杯学生个人赛 -- 28 & 29 Feb, 7 to 12, 14 to 16 Mar 2008 棋人生   (710 bytes , 267reads )
U18 1st 廖铭濠, lady 1st 陈茗芳 .... 齐启棋   (43 bytes , 286reads )
第13届“茶阳杯”全国学生象棋个人赛决赛排名总表 齐启棋   (10570 bytes , 1554reads )
好。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 304reads )
快棋廖铭濠还是有优势。 几度   (52 bytes , 211reads )
茶阳杯 started today for East Cluster Schools U14 and U16, ..... 齐启棋   (536 bytes , 324reads )
met 赖君奇 there too, he attended the arbiter course together with us. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 288reads )
heard that the invitation letters for 2008义顺南第2届李美花杯象棋团体赛 ..... 棋人生   (26 bytes , 245reads )
The details of 2008义顺南第2届李美花杯 ...... in total $1,410 of 8 Cash Prizes 棋人生   (90 bytes , 277reads )
3 月23 日, one day event at the end of 2008 华族文化节. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 243reads )
Enough talking about Bishan Cup, now we should move on to talk about ... 棋人生   (228 bytes , 282reads )
2008 碧山杯 (3 月1 & 2 日) 棋人生   (0 bytes , 281reads )
新柔百人赛:24-02-2008。 棋人生   (0 bytes , 237reads )
How many from 2006碧山杯 joining 2008 碧山杯 ...... 棋人生   (224 bytes , 250reads )
So, tehtatively, there are 41 new comers ...... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 262reads )
15 of them. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 243reads )
The 2006 list is the existing non-grade players, we will include Chinese .... 棋人生   (25 bytes , 243reads )
2008 象总茶阳杯学生象棋个人赛 -- The details ..... 棋人生   (553 bytes , 277reads )
28 & 29 Feb, 7 to 12 Mar, 14 to 16 Mar 2008 棋人生   (0 bytes , 323reads )
total of 11 days for the various age groups ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 262reads )