Please read message from 一刀兄
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-06 19:34

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
既然短消息里提到了bls 我多说两句 我并不认识bls 对于杨家小将我也不认识 但是前段时间颇俱争议的bls至少并没有使用脏话直接语言攻击网友 没有违反论坛的底线守则 只是提出了一些具有争议性的话题 本着论坛言论自由的基本原则 纯粹的争议大家还是可以摆出来讲 而且bls网友近段时间已经把注意力集中在了棋艺棋事本身 还是值得鼓励和肯定的

版主 feel that I am ok. Can 2008八连负 be honourable and stop harassing me and others. He claimed he love chess but his posting is all about politics and attacking individuals and I haven't seen him discussing about the games. Just what intention does he have? He is basically a politician. We all seen him trying to distort the real meaning of postings from me, 棋一生 and 象总会长。And to attack me, he resort to become messenger of 杨家小将 who was banned by 版主. All these so that he could build a platform against me and hint 版主 not to take sides.

I hope his players from his team to come into this forum and see all his postings and judge for themselves what is good and what is no good for them. I'm not trying to spread discord, I hope his players see for themselves who is right who is wrong.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
关于ban杨家小将的一些声明 一刀n断   (2484 bytes , 420reads )
应该如此 张辽   (0 bytes , 116reads )
immediately, one example ..... 2008八连负   (94 bytes , 156reads )
to share three 短消息 ........ 2008八连负   (1197 bytes , 197reads )
一刀n断   (1656 bytes , 136reads )
The 4th 短消息 ........ 2008八连负   (955 bytes , 160reads )
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........ 2008八连负   (5475 bytes , 209reads )
Please read message from 一刀兄 bls   (1123 bytes , 152reads )
repeat : 上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网..... 2008八连负   (83 bytes , 170reads )
Make sure you honour you own words! bls   (108 bytes , 182reads )
Add this into KIV. bls   (209 bytes , 144reads )
Missing lines bls   (155 bytes , 177reads )
missing line ........ 2008八连负   (87 bytes , 167reads )
Aiya I don't want to talk too much. What is his intention? bls   (1397 bytes , 209reads )