test game
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-09 18:19

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

<PARAM name="MoveList" value="H2-E2 H7-E7 H0-G2 H9-G7 I0-H0 I9-I8 B0-C2 I8-D8 G3-G4 B9-C7 A0-A1 A9-A8 E2-F2 E6-E5 G0-E2 E5-E4 E3-E4 C7-E6 B2-A2 D8-F8 F0-E1 E7-E4 H0-F0 F8-F3 A1-B1 B7-E7 C3-C4 F3-G3 G2-H0 G3-C3 B1-D1 G6-G5 G4-G5 E6-G5 F2-G2 A8-H8 D1-D6 G7-E6 G2-G9 F9-E8 H0-G2 C3-C2 F0-F5 H8-H6 A2-A6 E6-G7 F5-G5 H6-D6 A6-D6 G7-H9 D6-E6 C2-C3 G9-G6 C3-F3 G6-C6 F3-F9 E6-E5 E4-D4 C6-A6 D4-D7 G2-E3 H9-G7 E3-D5 F9-F7 G5-G6 D7-D8 A6-F6 I6-I5 D5-B6 E7-E6 C4-C5 F7-B7 C5-C6 E9-F9 F6-F4 D8-D4 C6-D6 B7-B6 G6-G7">


棋很水. 在我手下的马是牛,炮是包, 车是三轮车,兵是饼,帅是衰。
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
IVP Singapore 2008!! 水棋   (642 bytes , 1199reads )
POLITE is over, Results here 水棋   (421 bytes , 393reads )
Congratulations to SP! 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 293reads )
有对局吗? peanut   (0 bytes , 198reads )
i think you are talking about Chua Zhi Xiang ba... 水棋   (46 bytes , 401reads )
Yes, Xiao Shen Tong is Chua Zhi Xiang! 155HgFH88   (0 bytes , 424reads )
嘻嘻。 peanut   (0 bytes , 192reads )
CORRECTIONS! 水棋   (59 bytes , 315reads )
请注意:今年IVP只有三天,7月28日,29日,30日 卷心菜   (234 bytes , 223reads )
5 players per team, total of 10 boards per night. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 191reads )
IVP Singapore 2008 just tomorrow!! 水棋   (202 bytes , 232reads )
Where is it located in SP i live nearby might just drop in to take a look. xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 248reads )
Yaya papaya Eteng   (163 bytes , 243reads )
I know I am slow,but i stil could not get it Eteng   (114 bytes , 269reads )
i am not sure but let me make a guess 水棋   (203 bytes , 313reads )
我猜测:是因为几所大学没有专门的象棋社吗? Eteng   (883 bytes , 257reads )
yes, that somebody is t-minus from NUS 卷心菜   (442 bytes , 257reads )
各Poly有哪些知名棋手?有无报名名单? 卷心菜   (38 bytes , 257reads )
yes, starting from 28th July,(monday), there will be games until friday every 水棋   (137 bytes , 331reads )
NUS, NTU无法参赛,唉。 卷心菜   (28 bytes , 249reads )
Map Of Venue, see attached word document! 水棋   (45 bytes , 293reads )
sian! why the map so small btw.... 水棋   (53 bytes , 228reads )
you might wish to send original picture to my email 卷心菜   (27 bytes , 215reads )
Why not just provide a link to SP's web site? 几度   (61 bytes , 260reads )
good suggestion, please take a look 水棋   (79 bytes , 250reads )
上次忘了说明什么是“赠桃一粒”了=) 一刀n断   (50 bytes , 362reads )
only 2 teams? or 6-8 teams' tournament? 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 180reads )
its all the poly teams vs each other 水棋   (192 bytes , 252reads )
oic, if I'm not wrong, NUS and NTU have quit from the tournament since 2005 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 297reads )
yes you are right 水棋   (191 bytes , 267reads )
ah? anything wrong? it's here 一刀n断   (45 bytes , 222reads )
ok thanks. i dont know why i need to close all links and reopen to see the post 水棋   (11 bytes , 376reads )
refresh after posting. to refresh, press F5 on your keyboard 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 290reads )
i refreshed like thousands of times but it still does not show...hmm..btw.. 水棋   (99 bytes , 236reads )
press F5, sure can refresh, unless you are not using Internet explorer. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 227reads )
本版象棋&围棋贴法 卷心菜   (170 bytes , 256reads )
thx 卷心菜 for help 水棋   (0 bytes , 218reads )
test game 水棋   (528 bytes , 207reads )
testing red win 水棋   (187 bytes , 243reads )
Before 发帖,click 右下角 “使用华新标记” 卷心菜   (20 bytes , 227reads )
Try refresh the screen? 几度   (24 bytes , 199reads )