70 悟入棋途 users in the past two months ..........
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-08-12 12:29  评分:

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from 卷心菜's proposal below :


he has suggested to include 华新悟入棋途网ID大全


I believe he should have no problem to get the relevant information from 华新网 technical support.

Anyway, I wish to share the following related information (70 users) in the past two months :

The 46 active users in the past one month since 13 July 2008 ....

14 Existing Users :

Eteng 多啦A梦 棋人生 smmasing 棋儒 齐启棋 杀着大全

香陵居士 棋一生 一刀n断 太阳黑子 几度 卷心菜 张辽

32 New Users in the last two months :

帅将 (appeared before during last few days of 2008全国赛)
smallfry (new)
magician88 (new)
155HgFH88 (new)
peanut (new since 6 July 2008)
火影 (new)
EP(功夫熊猫) (new)
OxyGen (new since 5 July 2008)
waterchess (new)
angryyou (new)
TheTruth (new)
炮卒 (new)
洛三儿 (new since mid Jun 2008)
email123 (new)
xiaobeidou (new since mid Jun 2008)
bls (new since early Jun 2008)
新加坡鸭子(new since 6 July 2008)
Zyne(new since mid Jun 2008)
水棋(new since 2 July 2008)
吕大侠(new since 9 July 2008)
明花暗柳 (appeared before during Jun/Jul 2007)
野比大雄 (appeared before during Mar/Apr 2008)
Matrix (appeared before during Mar 2003 to Apr 2004)
Jessica (appeared before in May 2003 and Nov 2007)
碧山 (appeared before in Mar 2008)
逢人让双马 (appeared before during Apr 2003 to Jul 2004)
碧山东 (appeared before in Mar 2008)
大象 (appeared before in Aug 2003 and Sep 2005)

24 Users not active in the last one month …..

风云剑 marauder number007 网络蚂蚁 火云邪神 2008八连负 maddy 齐天大圣 杨家小将

将五进九 胡耀宇 圣手狂龙 华新飞剑 业余棋评家 Einstein fairplay10 amydumas37 棋大炮

王印 number001 ZJS zhanshen 魔刀转世 any_one

Sorry if there is any error in the information compiled, from 齐启棋, : )

Last but not least, I may not include any of the above information in 1995 -- 2009 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ...... depending on what we really want after a checking, say in Aug 2009, on all data or information collected.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
to take a rest after 14.5 months instead of 1 year ..... 齐启棋   (2215 bytes , 753reads )
此贴过于庞大 请开新贴继续讨论 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 352reads )
1995 -- 2009 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ...... 齐启棋   (2214 bytes , 331reads )
Target Setting -- at least 24 Pages including covers ....... 齐启棋   (843 bytes , 445reads )
Thanks to the morale support ! I went out in the afternoon ......... 齐启棋   (281 bytes , 245reads )
象棋产业经营者,是在市场经济中发展的开路先锋,目前特别需要这种人才 ....... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 233reads )
作者黄少龙:南开大学教授,中国象棋大师 .......... 齐启棋   (1801 bytes , 343reads )
棋手介绍 should at least cover 7 新冠军 since 1995 ...... 齐启棋   (125 bytes , 218reads )
28 冠军 so far from 1934 to 2008 ....... 齐启棋   (731 bytes , 276reads )
Regroup into two lists of 冠军 players, one only and 2 or more ..... 齐启棋   (678 bytes , 347reads )
2002 to 2008 SIXGA 象棋大师, 甲级棋士 and 乙级棋士 ........ 齐启棋   (604 bytes , 381reads )
all graded players must join Singapore Open once in every 5 years ...... 齐启棋   (389 bytes , 316reads )
抛砖引玉 .......... 齐启棋   (532 bytes , 400reads )
higher priority to look for 2004 data as compared to 2002 data .... 碧山   (323 bytes , 275reads )
Should we learn from Hong Kong ......... 齐启棋   (1163 bytes , 268reads )
The Changes of Singapore Grading System so far ...... 齐启棋   (185 bytes , 283reads )
No meaning to have 等级分 under the current situation ....... 齐启棋   (476 bytes , 272reads )
This is one of the reasons for us to encourage members to join ...... 碧山   (94 bytes , 226reads )
Managed to compile the information on 大师, 甲级 and 乙级 except ..... 齐启棋   (456 bytes , 449reads )
2002 and 2005 with 9 promotions for each year ....... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 230reads )
5 promotions for 2002 to 2008 SIXGA 乙级棋士 and one 无级 ....... 齐启棋   (286 bytes , 258reads )
the other 8 promotions to 象棋大师 and 甲级棋士 during 2002 to 2008 ..... 齐启棋   (1071 bytes , 450reads )
the xiangqi yearly event with the longest history in Singapore ...... 齐启棋   (215 bytes , 266reads )
History of Team Events --- 团体联赛 10 years (1995 to 2004) ......... 齐启棋   (207 bytes , 259reads )
棋会介绍 ......... 齐启棋   (238 bytes , 285reads )
70 悟入棋途 users in the past two months .......... 齐启棋   (2211 bytes , 286reads )
新加坡棋手大全 ........ 齐启棋   (529 bytes , 309reads )
notice about two missing records from ...... 齐启棋   (413 bytes , 256reads )
will bring the matter up again after ........... 齐启棋   (155 bytes , 245reads )
Proposed 目录 -- 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ........... 齐启棋   (691 bytes , 230reads )
洪先生热心推动象棋事业大家都能看在眼里 太阳黑子   (50 bytes , 257reads )
一样米养百样人 ...... 齐启棋   (211 bytes , 263reads )