time control : 20m+00s
[A] Condition for draw request (by time tighted player - ):
A time tight player (with playing time close to 0, but not zero) can request the game to be declared drawn by the arbiter if the player has
(i) obvious/clear situational advantage (有明显优势) or
(ii) Standardised Drawn Scanario (正和局面)
Nomally, players have disputes over what constitutes obvious/clear situational advantage.
[B] Condition for draw request (by move limits - or Natural Draw 40/50/60 in TCC):
It is not mentioned if Natural Draw is allowed but normally for young students, for simplicity, it is not allowed to be used.
As mentioned, so long the same decision by the same ariter(preferred) using same logic, the tourney will be considered fair and the rules teated as acceptable.