ICA requested my parents' CV and scheduled to
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-06-27 17:16  评分:

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interviewed me before granting PR, it takes only few weeks for the whole procedure!

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
问一下PR申请要FAMILY CV的事情 huamu   (129 bytes , 796reads )
ICA requested my parents' CV and scheduled to 平江摄政   (83 bytes , 558reads )
THANKS.我倒是听说过有面试后被拒的CASE. huamu   (39 bytes , 435reads )
交CV后我等了20天,然后拿到letter. hello!   (0 bytes , 330reads )
It may be due to one of your family members work for government or military 大象   (227 bytes , 453reads )
Agree! Just a sort of background search 平江摄政   (0 bytes , 291reads )