华新用户资料 -- 平江摄政
用户昵称 平江摄政 性别
真实姓名   出生年月
籍贯/出生地   所在学校  
发帖次数 60 在线时间 255.1小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 248
华新财富 356 华新币
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
It should be a 'restraint of trade' clause, may need refer to contract law  2006-03-13 22:15
------>  2006-03-08 20:57
------->  2006-02-28 22:54
--->  2006-02-27 20:54
I spent one year there, can wake up 10 mins before lecture starts, provided you  2005-06-29 02:14
ICA requested my parents' CV and scheduled to  2005-06-27 17:16
I remember that the candidate has to dial a number to M'sia to register for  2005-05-12 13:41
帖子标题 花花 发表于
You may want to check the ICPAS website!  2009-06-01 13:59
赠送化工系工具书  2008-05-18 13:17
补充 a little:  2006-08-24 13:31
送书 (Chemical Engineering)  2006-04-02 14:09
送书 (Chemical Engineering)  2006-04-02 13:41
35142  2006-03-17 21:46
what position you applied for?  2006-03-17 21:40
through their website  2006-03-14 21:27
Thank you very much!  2006-03-14 21:25
It should be a 'restraint of trade' clause, may need refer to contract law  2006-03-13 22:15