by: 蓝色月亮
Only Entry Visa is enough. It is very easy to apply.
-Just need photocopy passport of your parents.
-2 recent photoes.
-3 working days.
-5 weeks validation since you got the visa. Means within 5 weeks they must entry Singapore
-Either 2 weeks or 4 weeks can stay in Singapore, it is up to the ICA officer in Airport.
-Once they arrived Singapore, you can apply long term social visa(for PR's Parents), it is 5 years. $$60/visa
每次入境具体能在新加坡呆多久,这个跟你从哪里入关有关系。也就是说,如果你从樟宜机场近来的话,除非你是在签证到期前一天到新,一般都会给你30天(当然如果你是探亲就比较容易),可是从马来西亚入境,(我妈已经拿到一个很长的延长期限因为申请long term visit pass的关系)可是他们那个签证管打了好多次电话问上司,说这是他们的规定,从马来西亚入境只给14天。