it depends, normally 2nd week to 4th week.
有ica的邀请信,如果contract offer短于半年, 可以申请PR吗?是不是必须六个月以上?
by: o_o
not necessary,if company can provide letter to approve u are working as full time staff, Then just go ahead and apply.
by: Spring
1.关于Testimonials from previous employer stating nature and duration of employment and also the last drawn basic salary一定要吗? 如何开证明呢?(是国内的工作经验)
学位证书(Educational certificate)只要毕业典礼发的那张就足够了,必须复印两份,这是ICA资料提交须知上说明白了的
Form Annex A的字迹最好统一,曾经有人因为commence date是自己填的都被叫回去加了个签名;
还有就是那个TEP的Issue关键是看你有没有一个proper working pass。如果是办好了EP才去办PR的就不会有TEP,而且如果申请过程中EP被cancel了的话,PR的application也会被视作 withdraw。只有申请PR的时候拿student pass和social visit pass等的才会拿到TEP。而且拿了TEP出新的话还得再申请一下,TEP is not for travel porpuse。
temp EP is only a stamp on your passport and normally last for three months duration, no cost, free of charge. EP is a green card like your student pass, it costs $60.
With temp EP, you cannot leave singapore before you get a PR(燕归来注:如果期间student pass 还有效的话,可以用student pass出入境). With EP, you can.