check ur hotmail
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-02-27 22:10

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You never know.
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Looking for a bank job. 邓可   (49 bytes , 2995reads )
I'm working with SCB now 四季豆   (364 bytes , 794reads )
? another consumer banking comrade? 大象   (28 bytes , 693reads )
i'm doing implementation 四季豆   (125 bytes , 492reads )
old old..after 6month most people found new frpapaya   (31 bytes , 494reads )
check ur hotmail 削竹   (0 bytes , 307reads )
你老人家号召力94弓虽,一来就是长贴 削竹   (57 bytes , 332reads )
tried ur luck with any HHs? 削竹   (0 bytes , 226reads )
go to DB to try your luck 笨铁   (128 bytes , 646reads )
he's looking for Corp Finance not dealer 削竹   (57 bytes , 367reads )
?? not happy with your current job? 临水照花   (0 bytes , 260reads )
happy with my work 邓可   (20 bytes , 578reads )
Is it possible to get a bank job with engineering background? no_idea   (222 bytes , 477reads )
depends on what you do 海风   (120 bytes , 589reads )
what kind of job do you want 海风   (76 bytes , 711reads )
Anyone working in accounting industry? 平江摄政   (0 bytes , 305reads )
though i am not, but i may answer your questions 邓可   (24 bytes , 459reads )
Do local big 4 firms hire Chinese PR and support their pursuit of CPA program? 平江摄政   (55 bytes , 538reads )
yes they do hire people from any nation 邓可   (329 bytes , 505reads )
Thank you! I am a PR and taking a conversion program from engineering to master 平江摄政   (195 bytes , 486reads )
请问 “平江摄政”, 你怎么从engineer转成professional acounting得阿? 红茶   (111 bytes , 330reads )
---> 平江摄政   (182 bytes , 563reads )
我在网站上没找到具体for accounting得阿,SMU的我找到了 红茶   (112 bytes , 292reads )
------> 平江摄政   (31 bytes , 377reads )
NUS的Research Program接受GRE。但现在很少招Master了,大多招PhD。 scm   (0 bytes , 364reads )
再问 红茶   (73 bytes , 280reads )
-------> 平江摄政   (123 bytes , 371reads )
to give an honest opinion... 邓可   (149 bytes , 650reads )
Agree. 月薪到两千,加班到两点。不值呀! scm   (0 bytes , 240reads )
look further, pls. why many ppl do auditing. box   (0 bytes , 269reads )
they work hard and pay incremental is astonishing... box   (202 bytes , 402reads )
我的一个师妹跟我说:“审计有点技术含量,女生做做挺好的。咨询 scm   (290 bytes , 550reads )
Just want to shorten the experience accumulating phase with a big firm and get 平江摄政   (222 bytes , 406reads )
audit and tax abt the same 邓可   (794 bytes , 388reads )
Thanks a lot for the deliberation! 平江摄政   (0 bytes , 259reads )
i think B4 should be glad to employ chinese graduates here 海风   (170 bytes , 535reads )
help!how to apply big 4? wensheng   (96 bytes , 284reads )
对。有两朋友在四大,时常回国出差。 scm   (58 bytes , 407reads )
Should I apply them straightaway after graduation or apply after getting a CPA 平江摄政   (46 bytes , 336reads )
corp finance 邓可   (66 bytes , 524reads )
ohoh...just found you hide here..... frpapaya   (116 bytes , 714reads )
we are recruiting 邓可   (155 bytes , 984reads )
interested in it xikadu   (122 bytes , 355reads )
to all guys who contacted me ~ we usually take in ppl with background 邓可   (80 bytes , 499reads )
I am interested in bank job. pd   (135 bytes , 562reads )
I am a Ph.D in finance and accounting, interested in your recruiting position zaocanlei   (156 bytes , 661reads )