我现在做Wall Street System分析与咨询
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-03-11 00:58  评分:

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客户是一美国银行的IT部门,很难摆平,但是也学到不少处理客户关系的经验。幸运的是,我的direct user对我很友善,受益颇多,真得很感激。


我觉得要完全了解整个Wall Street System至少要3年的时间,但是我有点等不及了,毕竟现在的收入生活压力还是很大的。

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请教在金融行业IT部门的工作情况 老火锅   (462 bytes , 2452reads )
In general, insurance companies pay more. 神州六号   (0 bytes , 308reads )
汗, 要是哪家公司给我这么多我马上投靠。。。>< 西蜀霸王   (60 bytes , 552reads )
呵呵..if you do front office in bank, within 3 year you will get that frpapaya   (116 bytes , 462reads )
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现在在EDS做? flyover   (3 bytes , 375reads )
to put it short, it varies tremendously between different departments. ropin   (0 bytes , 344reads )
it depends as well :P guo_er   (0 bytes , 375reads )
are you sin graduat? bull12345   (106 bytes , 874reads )
我觉得还可以阿 老火锅   (150 bytes , 879reads )
5 year is quite long 香陵居士   (585 bytes , 869reads )
我现在做Wall Street System分析与咨询 老火锅   (345 bytes , 1030reads )
Not quite sure, actually your experience is higher than me 香陵居士   (263 bytes , 804reads )
good point flyover   (5 bytes , 435reads )