所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-07-14 17:56  评分:

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you work in MS? but only S$ 100 K. if it is inclusive bonus, you must be in IT department, so what you have to do is just to save, save and save. if it is not inclusive of bonus, you are probably traders or bankers, so keep working, working and working, as your income is really behind your age.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
了解一下各位的薪金水平和生活开销 bull12345   (153 bytes , 7757reads )
阁下是山东人? guoli   (0 bytes , 394reads )
钱多的工作就好吗? 小灵通   (435 bytes , 1036reads )
Absolutely 同意!!! 我真的是马甲   (0 bytes , 253reads )
一看这孩子就还没工作过 nzmbqs   (15 bytes , 534reads )
钱多也不是错呀 海风   (14 bytes , 461reads )
海风?故人否? 小灵通   (29 bytes , 348reads )
我的一些个人情况, 不是炫耀哈, 所以不要攻击我 beerguy   (490 bytes , 1729reads )
你爹还成 SuperStylin   (0 bytes , 381reads )
MS weiwei2   (296 bytes , 1351reads )
10K for trading.....u r kidding dalizh   (70 bytes , 468reads )
好大的口气 不对啊   (0 bytes , 428reads )
看看这里的帖子,真的长见识啊...顺便汇报最近我的惨痛经历 奕丫   (350 bytes , 2418reads )
学习是王道. 留名   (0 bytes , 353reads )
早受点小挫折好! scm   (0 bytes , 291reads )
按照法律规定 materialist   (224 bytes , 1054reads )
现在不需要LOC了 spinach   (905 bytes , 809reads )
哦,那我去把这个打印下来 奕丫   (39 bytes , 426reads )
谢谢指正:) materialist   (10 bytes , 329reads )
受了打击,抱怨下 奕丫   (105 bytes , 574reads )
很不错 但还是要虚心一些 说起做期货 新加坡的有谁能比里森和久霖强 现在如何 williamson   (73 bytes , 928reads )
解读楼主 走进非洲   (1375 bytes , 1564reads )
分析的好 manfromars   (0 bytes , 212reads )
烦不烦呀。。。 Economist   (0 bytes , 387reads )
顶! 四人帮老大   (1 bytes , 281reads )
100k, SGD or USD? CFA   (39 bytes , 750reads )
A Junior Analyst in MS usually starts at least USD100k per annum CFA   (0 bytes , 523reads )
这位学长厉害 不对啊   (198 bytes , 1082reads )
说实在的,30出头这个收入真不多。 ropin   (220 bytes , 1366reads )
大家都好有钱哦,而且这么年轻 会唱歌的薰衣草   (35 bytes , 443reads )
还好吧,在普通的中型公司做到department manager就有80K了。 simon   (84 bytes , 743reads )
就是不要去日本公司 小灵通   (114 bytes , 426reads )
ha, is this the hottest post ever in huasing? box   (0 bytes , 299reads )
不好意思, 引起了这么多争论. 版主, 请删我的贴. bull12345   (0 bytes , 469reads )
虽然我的收入还相差甚远,我可以理解他的心态,也很欣赏他勇于分享自己经验的勇气。 scm   (92 bytes , 964reads )
唉,那就没劲了,没劲了 梅花宝剑   (394 bytes , 1053reads )
你有点闷骚 无它   (0 bytes , 335reads )
唉,那就没劲了,没劲了 梅花宝剑   (394 bytes , 392reads )
Hi, please do not take it too seriuosly, most ppl know each other here 大象   (357 bytes , 820reads )
说点我的感受 wysh   (750 bytes , 2006reads )
嗨,以前上学的时候,觉得钱还算够。。现在,怎么都不够!。。。气死了。。。 banban   (74 bytes , 760reads )
重点是 柠檬绿茶2代   (120 bytes , 1233reads )
你是做RESEARCH的,他的意思不会看不出来吧? wysh   (127 bytes , 1121reads )
很简单,那就找份稳定的工作 柠檬绿茶2代   (199 bytes , 947reads )
你这是大实话 wysh   (50 bytes , 747reads )
重点是(Z) 梅花宝剑   (134 bytes , 872reads )
重点是 (zz~~) 柠檬绿茶2代   (148 bytes , 643reads )
你们玩儿的太爽了,不过将心比心,楼主心里会不好受的 parrot   (366 bytes , 711reads )
了解一下各位的薪金水平和生活开销(Z) 梅花宝剑   (294 bytes , 2048reads )
关于薪酬的一些建议 xiaopang   (545 bytes , 980reads )
Your are lying G.M   (21 bytes , 427reads )
hehe 柠檬绿茶2代   (34 bytes , 969reads )
HEHE(Z) 梅花宝剑   (46 bytes , 768reads )
hehe (ZZ~~) 柠檬绿茶2代   (18 bytes , 641reads )
HEHE(ZZZ) 梅花宝剑   (128 bytes , 816reads )
俺赶不上了。上周才申请了。:-) 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 400reads )
原来楼上2位都入籍了啊 海风   (0 bytes , 327reads )
建议多讲讲你的经验 Qingger   (356 bytes , 1213reads )
I've been waitin quite long,but as expected,nobody dares to reply Qingger's post Transhumanist   (3 bytes , 394reads )
annual income around 100k in my company is one of the lowest. bull12345   (32 bytes , 1305reads )
kiding... how much those girls in operations make? dalizh   (0 bytes , 272reads )
明摆着就是来炫耀的 manfromars   (0 bytes , 231reads )
了解一下摩根斯坦利招人的情况不知可否? 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 368reads )
楼主,你是什么公司的? born_in_china   (52 bytes , 461reads )
morgan stanley, an investment bank bull12345   (0 bytes , 606reads )
JP morgan? 难怪 born_in_china   (0 bytes , 313reads )
原来就叫morgan stanley呀 born_in_china   (0 bytes , 285reads )
two different companies 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 245reads )
哇!什么公司啊。从来没听说过的。什么叫做investment bank? 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 270reads )
其实论坛的挺多人对于投行还不是很熟悉,楼主解释Morgan Stanly是投行也并不为过吗。 scm   (0 bytes , 363reads )
十万啥?卢布呀? longman   (0 bytes , 245reads )
你呢还是多省点才好。。。 frpapaya   (129 bytes , 948reads )
报告搂主。这个才是有钱人。。。。 仙仙龙   (59 bytes , 607reads )
怎么投资啊?具体些吧。 熏衣草   (43 bytes , 393reads )
回国买地种树嘛 zizi   (10 bytes , 399reads )
if you have few M$, it will be easy... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 305reads )
in s$ or RMB? echo77   (0 bytes , 281reads )
买房啊,投资加储蓄的最佳选择,保证让您更不敢随便花钱。:) parrot   (0 bytes , 273reads )
30岁就这么成功,人生还有什么意思,自杀算了 why11   (0 bytes , 357reads )
感觉你的修养还不够. bull12345   (84 bytes , 844reads )
不好意思,我们都是吃不到葡萄。素质太差! why11   (0 bytes , 219reads )
看来钱太多了也不好啊! 天使   (62 bytes , 520reads )
我觉得这样的收支已经很健康了,扣去CPF,一年可以有5-6w的结余 大象   (309 bytes , 1237reads )
存不了这么多, 顶多4W bull12345   (183 bytes , 1106reads )
从投资的角度讲,买车是奢侈品,房是保值的 parrot   (521 bytes , 724reads )
忘了说了,如果您要捐钱,捐给新加坡国立大学辩论队吧。:) parrot   (21 bytes , 553reads )
顶! 仙流命   (0 bytes , 178reads )
感觉消费还好, box   (312 bytes , 672reads )
additional point box   (371 bytes , 552reads )
好节省阿! 吞并日本   (0 bytes , 316reads )
觉得有点怪怪的感觉? 柠檬绿茶2代   (61 bytes , 956reads )
工资这么高阿,哪能和你比啊,作甚么行业的?考虑要转行了 天使   (0 bytes , 458reads )
我是做期货贸易的 bull12345   (0 bytes , 467reads )
楼主能留个联系方式吗? CQ0808BXX   (44 bytes , 355reads )
什么是期货贸易啊? 天使   (0 bytes , 291reads )
英文应该叫做Future Trading 香陵居士   (28 bytes , 613reads )