所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-07-26 04:48

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Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep
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了解一下各位的薪金水平和生活开销 bull12345   (153 bytes , 8317reads )
阁下是山东人? guoli   (0 bytes , 410reads )
钱多的工作就好吗? 小灵通   (435 bytes , 1053reads )
Absolutely 同意!!! 我真的是马甲   (0 bytes , 266reads )
一看这孩子就还没工作过 nzmbqs   (15 bytes , 549reads )
钱多也不是错呀 海风   (14 bytes , 476reads )
海风?故人否? 小灵通   (29 bytes , 362reads )
我的一些个人情况, 不是炫耀哈, 所以不要攻击我 beerguy   (490 bytes , 1748reads )
你爹还成 SuperStylin   (0 bytes , 395reads )
MS weiwei2   (296 bytes , 1372reads )
10K for trading.....u r kidding dalizh   (70 bytes , 481reads )
好大的口气 不对啊   (0 bytes , 452reads )
看看这里的帖子,真的长见识啊...顺便汇报最近我的惨痛经历 奕丫   (350 bytes , 2435reads )
学习是王道. 留名   (0 bytes , 366reads )
早受点小挫折好! scm   (0 bytes , 306reads )
按照法律规定 materialist   (224 bytes , 1069reads )
现在不需要LOC了 spinach   (905 bytes , 827reads )
哦,那我去把这个打印下来 奕丫   (39 bytes , 436reads )
谢谢指正:) materialist   (10 bytes , 342reads )
受了打击,抱怨下 奕丫   (105 bytes , 585reads )
很不错 但还是要虚心一些 说起做期货 新加坡的有谁能比里森和久霖强 现在如何 williamson   (73 bytes , 948reads )
解读楼主 走进非洲   (1375 bytes , 1579reads )
分析的好 manfromars   (0 bytes , 227reads )
烦不烦呀。。。 Economist   (0 bytes , 397reads )
顶! 四人帮老大   (1 bytes , 290reads )
100k, SGD or USD? CFA   (39 bytes , 759reads )
A Junior Analyst in MS usually starts at least USD100k per annum CFA   (0 bytes , 538reads )
这位学长厉害 不对啊   (198 bytes , 1098reads )
说实在的,30出头这个收入真不多。 ropin   (220 bytes , 1381reads )
大家都好有钱哦,而且这么年轻 会唱歌的薰衣草   (35 bytes , 457reads )
还好吧,在普通的中型公司做到department manager就有80K了。 simon   (84 bytes , 757reads )
就是不要去日本公司 小灵通   (114 bytes , 447reads )
ha, is this the hottest post ever in huasing? box   (0 bytes , 323reads )
不好意思, 引起了这么多争论. 版主, 请删我的贴. bull12345   (0 bytes , 494reads )
虽然我的收入还相差甚远,我可以理解他的心态,也很欣赏他勇于分享自己经验的勇气。 scm   (92 bytes , 987reads )
唉,那就没劲了,没劲了 梅花宝剑   (394 bytes , 1067reads )
你有点闷骚 无它   (0 bytes , 355reads )
唉,那就没劲了,没劲了 梅花宝剑   (394 bytes , 404reads )
Hi, please do not take it too seriuosly, most ppl know each other here 大象   (357 bytes , 839reads )
说点我的感受 wysh   (750 bytes , 2023reads )
嗨,以前上学的时候,觉得钱还算够。。现在,怎么都不够!。。。气死了。。。 banban   (74 bytes , 779reads )
重点是 柠檬绿茶2代   (120 bytes , 1247reads )
你是做RESEARCH的,他的意思不会看不出来吧? wysh   (127 bytes , 1139reads )
很简单,那就找份稳定的工作 柠檬绿茶2代   (199 bytes , 962reads )
你这是大实话 wysh   (50 bytes , 765reads )
重点是(Z) 梅花宝剑   (134 bytes , 884reads )
重点是 (zz~~) 柠檬绿茶2代   (148 bytes , 659reads )
你们玩儿的太爽了,不过将心比心,楼主心里会不好受的 parrot   (366 bytes , 726reads )
了解一下各位的薪金水平和生活开销(Z) 梅花宝剑   (294 bytes , 2064reads )
关于薪酬的一些建议 xiaopang   (545 bytes , 994reads )
Your are lying G.M   (21 bytes , 443reads )
hehe 柠檬绿茶2代   (34 bytes , 984reads )
HEHE(Z) 梅花宝剑   (46 bytes , 780reads )
hehe (ZZ~~) 柠檬绿茶2代   (18 bytes , 653reads )
HEHE(ZZZ) 梅花宝剑   (128 bytes , 828reads )
俺赶不上了。上周才申请了。:-) 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 419reads )
原来楼上2位都入籍了啊 海风   (0 bytes , 345reads )
建议多讲讲你的经验 Qingger   (356 bytes , 1229reads )
I've been waitin quite long,but as expected,nobody dares to reply Qingger's post Transhumanist   (3 bytes , 409reads )
annual income around 100k in my company is one of the lowest. bull12345   (32 bytes , 1326reads )
kiding... how much those girls in operations make? dalizh   (0 bytes , 291reads )
明摆着就是来炫耀的 manfromars   (0 bytes , 241reads )
了解一下摩根斯坦利招人的情况不知可否? 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 384reads )
楼主,你是什么公司的? born_in_china   (52 bytes , 473reads )
morgan stanley, an investment bank bull12345   (0 bytes , 624reads )
JP morgan? 难怪 born_in_china   (0 bytes , 324reads )
原来就叫morgan stanley呀 born_in_china   (0 bytes , 298reads )
two different companies 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 261reads )
哇!什么公司啊。从来没听说过的。什么叫做investment bank? 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 286reads )
其实论坛的挺多人对于投行还不是很熟悉,楼主解释Morgan Stanly是投行也并不为过吗。 scm   (0 bytes , 379reads )
十万啥?卢布呀? longman   (0 bytes , 261reads )
你呢还是多省点才好。。。 frpapaya   (129 bytes , 962reads )
报告搂主。这个才是有钱人。。。。 仙仙龙   (59 bytes , 624reads )
怎么投资啊?具体些吧。 熏衣草   (43 bytes , 407reads )
回国买地种树嘛 zizi   (10 bytes , 417reads )
if you have few M$, it will be easy... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 320reads )
in s$ or RMB? echo77   (0 bytes , 293reads )
买房啊,投资加储蓄的最佳选择,保证让您更不敢随便花钱。:) parrot   (0 bytes , 290reads )
30岁就这么成功,人生还有什么意思,自杀算了 why11   (0 bytes , 373reads )
感觉你的修养还不够. bull12345   (84 bytes , 863reads )
不好意思,我们都是吃不到葡萄。素质太差! why11   (0 bytes , 235reads )
看来钱太多了也不好啊! 天使   (62 bytes , 536reads )
我觉得这样的收支已经很健康了,扣去CPF,一年可以有5-6w的结余 大象   (309 bytes , 1248reads )
存不了这么多, 顶多4W bull12345   (183 bytes , 1125reads )
从投资的角度讲,买车是奢侈品,房是保值的 parrot   (521 bytes , 742reads )
忘了说了,如果您要捐钱,捐给新加坡国立大学辩论队吧。:) parrot   (21 bytes , 569reads )
顶! 仙流命   (0 bytes , 192reads )
感觉消费还好, box   (312 bytes , 688reads )
additional point box   (371 bytes , 565reads )
好节省阿! 吞并日本   (0 bytes , 328reads )
觉得有点怪怪的感觉? 柠檬绿茶2代   (61 bytes , 970reads )
工资这么高阿,哪能和你比啊,作甚么行业的?考虑要转行了 天使   (0 bytes , 473reads )
我是做期货贸易的 bull12345   (0 bytes , 485reads )
楼主能留个联系方式吗? CQ0808BXX   (44 bytes , 373reads )
什么是期货贸易啊? 天使   (0 bytes , 306reads )
英文应该叫做Future Trading 香陵居士   (28 bytes , 630reads )