Attention applicants!!! 申请注意事项
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-01-10 15:55

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
首先感谢大家的关注,目前第一轮面试已经结束,受到50+申请,面试了5-6个,可惜目前最后的新加坡候选人写作能力比较欠缺,还是没有找到合适的人选,虽然我们只招一个。现在您可以继续申请,不过因为我们要找的是sales manager,所以英文口语要求很高(高于新加坡大学生的普通水平),虽然不一定需要life science background (but will be very preferred),但是商务英文书写能力和国际销售经验(不只是面对中国客户)非常重要(因为我们的客户遍及全球)。


Passion for life!
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Sales Position at MNC Media Company available - OET: S$100K 格格   (1160 bytes , 3276reads )
嘿嘿。做conference producer的都好有激情哈。 小土   (215 bytes , 533reads )
Please be humble.... 平庸士   (660 bytes , 691reads )
maybe that's why we haven't found the right candidate 格格   (439 bytes , 568reads )
dear sister gege, perhaps you should try other means of recruitment now parrot   (352 bytes , 451reads )
Yeh most of our employees are arts/politcal/accountancy degrees 格格   (155 bytes , 438reads )
and some friendly suggestions parrot   (2078 bytes , 486reads )
Thanks for your kind suggestions 格格   (1448 bytes , 672reads )
hehe, surprise that you would receive 30 resumes from huasing a day... 大象   (97 bytes , 502reads )
faint, that's in total 格格   (209 bytes , 366reads )
seconder!! parrot   (0 bytes , 214reads )
sister gege, i think now maybe personal referral will work better parrot   (305 bytes , 390reads )
Hi Parrot 平庸士   (68 bytes , 472reads )
done. :) parrot   (0 bytes , 245reads )
Oh,moving to China market?That's good. 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 330reads )
Sorry confidential :D 格格   (29 bytes , 370reads )
dear, i am sure there are good candidates available somewhere... parrot   (258 bytes , 454reads )
支持 AXL   (0 bytes , 239reads )
支持支持 tjjtdgthz   (183 bytes , 486reads )
晕~ Winsome   (260 bytes , 896reads )
是啊,要是行的话我早去了。。。。 水彩   (65 bytes , 459reads )
@@ Winsome   (36 bytes , 515reads )
to be honest Winsome   (322 bytes , 756reads )
你没毛病吧? ropin   (0 bytes , 361reads )
楼上的拜托,没你的事,好好准备你的bar cap面试吧 Winsome   (64 bytes , 515reads )
每个人的志向不一样,性格也相差很多, 水彩   (18 bytes , 453reads )
Is the position still available now? Winsome   (125 bytes , 437reads )
Is the position still available now? Winsome   (128 bytes , 444reads )
Still available but... 格格   (499 bytes , 881reads )
haha.. Winsome   (734 bytes , 743reads )
英文的确有待提高 simon   (0 bytes , 346reads )
你也够sui的,为了个工作像孙子似的,寄resume还问人家要不要. 夜色温柔   (0 bytes , 368reads )
不是sui,是谦虚,新人嘛刚出道要放低姿态,不料就被前辈指教了。。 Winsome   (75 bytes , 497reads )
人挺狂啊 飞黄腾达   (44 bytes , 564reads )
wat does OET stands for ah? 柠檬绿茶2代   (67 bytes , 325reads )
should be OTE which stand for On-Target Earnings 格格   (59 bytes , 551reads )
Attention applicants!!! 申请注意事项 格格   (430 bytes , 723reads )
谢谢大家关注,公司21号就圣诞节shut down了,还有其他申请的DD,MM。。。 格格   (445 bytes , 668reads )
问题是都不懂life science 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 304reads )
1 million is difficult frpapaya   (617 bytes , 709reads )
Nothing is easy, but if everything is easy, life has no meaning :D 格格   (0 bytes , 282reads )
咱们华新应该组织多一些有sponsorship的conference,咱们有很多很好的speaker. :D 格格   (26 bytes , 501reads )
不会啦,我第一个event就有30几万了,一年6-7个event 格格   (566 bytes , 938reads )
sponsorship is good, frpapaya   (167 bytes , 697reads )
哈哈,苹果被我们公司抓去做speaker,现在又有人抓你来赞助 格格   (97 bytes , 600reads )
what's the event ya frpapaya   (0 bytes , 341reads )
Asia Generic Medicines Congress :D 格格   (127 bytes , 502reads )