Please be humble....
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-04-02 00:59

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Please be nice to the junior fresh grads, just remember that we are once in the same seat as them. Dun dash their hope straight away by saying "first impression no good...".

Personally I think OTE of 100k for a sales manager position is not that attractive and considering the qualification you are looking at, the unsecureness of the job nature and the potential workaholic tendency. The right candidtate you are targeting at probably all go to IB sales and trading or IBD beauty pageant team le.

Anyway, just hope you can be more humble to junior, give more encouraging words in this tough job seeking period.

Also, hope you can get your right one soon.

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Sales Position at MNC Media Company available - OET: S$100K 格格   (1160 bytes , 3195reads )
嘿嘿。做conference producer的都好有激情哈。 小土   (215 bytes , 523reads )
Please be humble.... 平庸士   (660 bytes , 673reads )
maybe that's why we haven't found the right candidate 格格   (439 bytes , 559reads )
dear sister gege, perhaps you should try other means of recruitment now parrot   (352 bytes , 444reads )
Yeh most of our employees are arts/politcal/accountancy degrees 格格   (155 bytes , 430reads )
and some friendly suggestions parrot   (2078 bytes , 477reads )
Thanks for your kind suggestions 格格   (1448 bytes , 663reads )
hehe, surprise that you would receive 30 resumes from huasing a day... 大象   (97 bytes , 496reads )
faint, that's in total 格格   (209 bytes , 359reads )
seconder!! parrot   (0 bytes , 205reads )
sister gege, i think now maybe personal referral will work better parrot   (305 bytes , 381reads )
Hi Parrot 平庸士   (68 bytes , 462reads )
done. :) parrot   (0 bytes , 235reads )
Oh,moving to China market?That's good. 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 320reads )
Sorry confidential :D 格格   (29 bytes , 359reads )
dear, i am sure there are good candidates available somewhere... parrot   (258 bytes , 442reads )
支持 AXL   (0 bytes , 231reads )
支持支持 tjjtdgthz   (183 bytes , 472reads )
晕~ Winsome   (260 bytes , 889reads )
是啊,要是行的话我早去了。。。。 水彩   (65 bytes , 451reads )
@@ Winsome   (36 bytes , 507reads )
to be honest Winsome   (322 bytes , 747reads )
你没毛病吧? ropin   (0 bytes , 354reads )
楼上的拜托,没你的事,好好准备你的bar cap面试吧 Winsome   (64 bytes , 503reads )
每个人的志向不一样,性格也相差很多, 水彩   (18 bytes , 442reads )
Is the position still available now? Winsome   (125 bytes , 429reads )
Is the position still available now? Winsome   (128 bytes , 438reads )
Still available but... 格格   (499 bytes , 873reads )
haha.. Winsome   (734 bytes , 737reads )
英文的确有待提高 simon   (0 bytes , 337reads )
你也够sui的,为了个工作像孙子似的,寄resume还问人家要不要. 夜色温柔   (0 bytes , 362reads )
不是sui,是谦虚,新人嘛刚出道要放低姿态,不料就被前辈指教了。。 Winsome   (75 bytes , 486reads )
人挺狂啊 飞黄腾达   (44 bytes , 558reads )
wat does OET stands for ah? 柠檬绿茶2代   (67 bytes , 317reads )
should be OTE which stand for On-Target Earnings 格格   (59 bytes , 539reads )
Attention applicants!!! 申请注意事项 格格   (430 bytes , 715reads )
谢谢大家关注,公司21号就圣诞节shut down了,还有其他申请的DD,MM。。。 格格   (445 bytes , 660reads )
问题是都不懂life science 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 296reads )
1 million is difficult frpapaya   (617 bytes , 701reads )
Nothing is easy, but if everything is easy, life has no meaning :D 格格   (0 bytes , 274reads )
咱们华新应该组织多一些有sponsorship的conference,咱们有很多很好的speaker. :D 格格   (26 bytes , 490reads )
不会啦,我第一个event就有30几万了,一年6-7个event 格格   (566 bytes , 931reads )
sponsorship is good, frpapaya   (167 bytes , 689reads )
哈哈,苹果被我们公司抓去做speaker,现在又有人抓你来赞助 格格   (97 bytes , 592reads )
what's the event ya frpapaya   (0 bytes , 332reads )
Asia Generic Medicines Congress :D 格格   (127 bytes , 496reads )