所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-10-01 10:57  评分:

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just take ACCA or CPA first.A few papers will do. Then it would be much easier to find a job.

There are a lot of accounting position vacancies in S'pore. Taking the papers, though expensive, it's worth it...

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Consulting experts working at accounting field for my girlfriend! robinxiang   (912 bytes , 965reads )
Thanks you very much ! Which one u recommend? robinxiang   (166 bytes , 425reads )
ACCA 抹茶蛋糕   (82 bytes , 540reads )
Thanks! is there any training school to learn it here? robinxiang   (129 bytes , 487reads )
Recommended 抹茶蛋糕   (208 bytes , 674reads )
she could try her luck 大象   (208 bytes , 550reads )