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所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2009-10-16 09:29  评分:

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给CPF Board 和 IRAS打过电话, 确认了如果被派出国工作的话,不需要在新加坡交CPF 和personal income tax。当然如果自己或公司想继续交的话也没问题

如果回国工作暂时没打算定居,只是短期的话(我是两年), 可以被当作外籍人士对待(因为有新加坡PR).这样的话就不需要交社保(五险一金)。国内交社保的话,如果过了两年就回来新加坡,那个交的钱就没什么用。加上比例还蛮大的, 会加重公司的负担。 我老板说只给我叫一边的, 我prefer交新加坡的CPF. 外籍人士的话就按照外籍人的规定纳税。

找MOE问了我们SM3 scholarship bond的问题,MOE给了我一个NUS的contact, 叫Ms. Sim,她发了一个很详细的邮件给我。 主要内容如下

Please note that scholars under the Undergraduate Scholarship for PRC Students will have to seek approval for overseas job posting. In order to seek approval for overseas job posting, scholars will have to submit to National University of Singapore (NUS) the following documents:

1) an official request letter from your employer with the reasons and terms for the overseas job posting, stating the start date and the end date of the overseas job posting

2) an undertaking letter from your employer stating that you will return to Singapore upon completion of the overseas posting and they will inform NUS of any changes to your employment status during the overseas job posting

In addition, to count your overseas job posting towards serving your bond, you will have to fulfill one of the three conditions below:

1) continue to be under the payroll of the Singapore-Based company

2) be paying income taxes for the period of employment overseas

3) still receiving CPF contribution by the company for the period of employment overseas.

If you are unable to fulfill any of the conditions above, you would be required to appeal for bond deferment (maximum period of three years if approved) and you would most likely be required to place a Banker’s Guarantee of your outstanding liquidated damages amount with a local bank if your appeal is approved.

希望对大家有帮助。如果有理解不对的地方, 欢迎指正:)

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