This afternoon me and Bryan were mounting the switches at FSC L2 Right WC. Because we need to dispose the switch boxes we opened in the morning for FSC L2 Left WC into the waste collection point about 200 meters away from FSC entrance, we were unfortunately caught in the heavy rain for several times, and also because there are two Lantro guys already inside the tiny WC which is less than 5 square meters, so we took off our helmet to cool off our hairs as well as to free up some space for our mounting work (the space between the open rack and Comnet rack can barely allow a thin person to step inside, let alone wearing the helmet).
Because the WC is too small to do the preparation work (open the switches boxes, install the rack mount ear etc.), we decided to do it just 1 meter outside of the WC, and we were 'caught' by the 1st site officer who just came to us and took the photo for both me and Bryan without giving any verbal warning. Me and Bryan reliased the issue and we put on out helmet immediately. After that I went to CH server room to get the AP mount kits for Lantro, and the 2nd site officer stopped me on the way.
I had no idea why he stopped me and after I gave him my NAGa site pass, he was not using any rude tone but rather SHOUTING at me like crazy in Mandarin: "你以为这里是什么地方,哈? 你以为是你爸爸的地盘啊?你以为你想怎样就怎样啊?告诉你我才是这里的老大!", after this he took another photo of me and my pass, and after he returned the pass to me, I heard him whispered "F**K OFF !", I was really shocked and enraged but I didn't confront him or reply him even a single word.
I know he was doing his job, I also have no problem with the penalty because it was my fault at first place, but the way he communicated to me made me really feel threatened and demeaned, we were also doing our work, we will be working onsite for another 3 to 4 months, we do cherish mutual respect instead of a hostile work environment! Since he can behave like this to a person he never met before, I can't imagine how arrogant and rude he will be in the future.