所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-08-16 10:55

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再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之 空空如也   (331 bytes , 2310reads )
顶!好贴。。 north933   (0 bytes , 145reads )
热心人啊,顶 ghorse   (0 bytes , 180reads )
空空大哥好受欢迎啊:) 枫叶雨叶   (0 bytes , 154reads )
我也要站出来谢谢空空大哥 bizlogic   (11 bytes , 225reads )
欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎。 念奴娇   (0 bytes , 209reads )
需要顶一下。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 188reads )
太,太欢迎你回来了!! 打天下   (0 bytes , 266reads )
欢迎空空大哥回来! 山水   (0 bytes , 155reads )
又见空空如也,欢迎啊! 桃花   (0 bytes , 173reads )
欢迎空空归来! bigmac   (0 bytes , 195reads )
LIQUIDITY是最近几天股市爆跌的一个主要原因, mfe   (386 bytes , 488reads )
of course liquidity is not the only thing, mfe   (278 bytes , 320reads )
the rate hike is not demand led, but supply dry up AXL   (0 bytes , 248reads )
supply dry up? 请赐教. mfe   (0 bytes , 166reads )
因为如果没有剧增的现金需求, 现金供应为什么会不够呢? mfe   (0 bytes , 177reads )
because of fear AXL   (49 bytes , 294reads )
这么恐慌啊 我无语老   (30 bytes , 291reads )
it's not only abt liquidity now. AXL   (0 bytes , 264reads )
what's more? please share... speculatist   (0 bytes , 207reads )
在metal市场。镍从55000跌倒26000,如果long future德人,破产就在眼前。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 195reads )
nickel都跌了那么久了... AXL   (0 bytes , 189reads )
几个月而已啊。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 197reads )
哈哈 几个月够长了吧 AXL   (116 bytes , 238reads )
嗯。我不认为这个和stock market有什么关系。但是 speculatist   (117 bytes , 296reads )
如果没有最近这次meltdown AXL   (255 bytes , 294reads )
more 临江仙   (467 bytes , 315reads )
通货膨胀: cpi +0.1%, core +0.2% mfe   (395 bytes , 299reads )
you are right. I was misled by the CPI. The key is the liquidity dry up and 临江仙   (34 bytes , 281reads )
为何大资本如此脆弱? 一个subprime全趴下了? 割吧,都焦了   (0 bytes , 186reads )
现在已经趴下的有两种 AXL   (130 bytes , 241reads )
个人理解哈,是不是因为它不能跟散户一样one click就完成交易 我无语老   (440 bytes , 297reads )
subprime是underlying,真正杀手是derivatives whose underlying is speculatist   (174 bytes , 284reads )
yep. Those derivatives are normally CDOs and CLOs, 临江仙   (219 bytes , 331reads )
er...kindly refer to details in CFA level 2 text books ... speculatist   (34 bytes , 300reads )
CDO & CLO itself doesnot give leverage, if I remember correctly? 临江仙   (210 bytes , 294reads )
how leverage comes in? based on one pool of mortgages speculatist   (647 bytes , 300reads )
maybe a large size fund concentrate their risks in one small size cdo? 割吧,都焦了   (83 bytes , 252reads )
支持这个“而相对资金比较封闭的地方受影响就少” 我无语老   (29 bytes , 240reads )
第一条不算阿.Core inflation is in check. not big worry. speculatist   (213 bytes , 301reads )
恩,第一条不算, 抱歉看错了. 临江仙   (1183 bytes , 270reads )
i m not saying "in fact" there is something more AXL   (400 bytes , 433reads )
大资金为了安全出走了先 我无语老   (102 bytes , 276reads )
investors withdrawing funds from emerging mkt AXL   (116 bytes , 265reads )
了解了解 我无语老   (260 bytes , 287reads )
哦哦 不是啦 A股QFII是small player AXL   (45 bytes , 239reads )
下面不能回了,我给你发个短信看个底线八 我无语老   (21 bytes , 223reads )
哈哈哈,那就好,技术面上可有的聊啦!5000为界,你愿意不? 我无语老   (82 bytes , 239reads )
呵呵 技术面我要让你失望了 AXL   (41 bytes , 266reads )
是啊,也想学习学习,AXL开个新贴说一说八~~ 我无语老   (0 bytes , 225reads )
空空,继续说说! flydell   (30 bytes , 254reads )
人们的大跌教训遗忘速度和这么快就忘了前几个月的大涨是一样的。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 213reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之(3) 空空如也   (584 bytes , 624reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之(4〕 空空如也   (821 bytes , 514reads )
80只分析报告? 劳动人民子弟   (73 bytes , 329reads )
问得很好,顺便具体回答一下 空空如也   (695 bytes , 369reads )
这个顶你,如S兄所言,做功课的态度非常值得学习! halley   (0 bytes , 185reads )
多谢空空兄 劳动人民子弟   (89 bytes , 286reads )
这些功夫是最大的财富。老兄这点着实令人佩服 speculatist   (168 bytes , 305reads )
大哥,回来吧! 热泪银矿地说 割吧,都焦了   (0 bytes , 191reads )
说的很好 我也想炒股   (18 bytes , 244reads )
来了就别走啊.不然这里我跟谁掐啊.走就是你怕我啊......... 北京时间   (554 bytes , 389reads )
上面两位大哥,真是“!!”所见略同啊! 涨挺板   (0 bytes , 226reads )
说的太好了啊 千虑   (99 bytes , 243reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之 (2) 空空如也   (509 bytes , 581reads )
顶最后一句! 就怕既不是真正的基本面派 xiaomai   (186 bytes , 198reads )
顶! 过儿   (0 bytes , 180reads )
字字是金啊。。 Novice   (10 bytes , 230reads )
由于没有认真对待空空的倒货警告,本人现已呈木鸡状 redemption   (0 bytes , 212reads )
很感动空空如也这时候能出来说话,嗬嗬,别走了哦。。 新手上路   (0 bytes , 200reads )
空空来了, 就别走了. 希望经常看到你的指教. mfe   (0 bytes , 174reads )