恩,第一条不算, 抱歉看错了.
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-08-16 11:43

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
For risky-assets, I am saying in the past, before the sub-prime crisis, risky-assets were so much under-priced to a large extend, and now this wave of credit crunch is all about risky-assets re-pricing. However, due to the sudden liquidity dry-up, investors are generally panic and the BUYER market of risky-assets simply disappeared. Without a buyer market's existence, there is no way to re-price the risky-assets, what would happen is ppl can only play in quality asset market, coupled with regulatory or risk-averse concern, quality assets are oversold at cheap price to cash-in. But without the re-pricing of the risky-assets, the sell-down in quality assets is far from an end.

Traders, Investment bankers are taking long leaves for the market to settle down. Simply because there is little business for credit play - leveraged buy-out, high-yield, all these hot topics in the past utilizing leverage and credit are deadly quite, IPOs and new debt issuance are postponed....

For Housing, here is the Existing single home prices that fell 1.5%, confirming that housing is still falling and is not improving. This is taken from one institute's summary, no further details yet.

This is eht gnidnE

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之 空空如也   (331 bytes , 2299reads )
顶!好贴。。 north933   (0 bytes , 145reads )
热心人啊,顶 ghorse   (0 bytes , 180reads )
空空大哥好受欢迎啊:) 枫叶雨叶   (0 bytes , 154reads )
我也要站出来谢谢空空大哥 bizlogic   (11 bytes , 225reads )
欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎。 念奴娇   (0 bytes , 209reads )
需要顶一下。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 188reads )
太,太欢迎你回来了!! 打天下   (0 bytes , 266reads )
欢迎空空大哥回来! 山水   (0 bytes , 155reads )
又见空空如也,欢迎啊! 桃花   (0 bytes , 173reads )
欢迎空空归来! bigmac   (0 bytes , 194reads )
LIQUIDITY是最近几天股市爆跌的一个主要原因, mfe   (386 bytes , 488reads )
of course liquidity is not the only thing, mfe   (278 bytes , 320reads )
the rate hike is not demand led, but supply dry up AXL   (0 bytes , 247reads )
supply dry up? 请赐教. mfe   (0 bytes , 166reads )
因为如果没有剧增的现金需求, 现金供应为什么会不够呢? mfe   (0 bytes , 177reads )
because of fear AXL   (49 bytes , 294reads )
这么恐慌啊 我无语老   (30 bytes , 291reads )
it's not only abt liquidity now. AXL   (0 bytes , 263reads )
what's more? please share... speculatist   (0 bytes , 207reads )
在metal市场。镍从55000跌倒26000,如果long future德人,破产就在眼前。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 195reads )
nickel都跌了那么久了... AXL   (0 bytes , 188reads )
几个月而已啊。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 196reads )
哈哈 几个月够长了吧 AXL   (116 bytes , 237reads )
嗯。我不认为这个和stock market有什么关系。但是 speculatist   (117 bytes , 293reads )
如果没有最近这次meltdown AXL   (255 bytes , 294reads )
more 临江仙   (467 bytes , 315reads )
通货膨胀: cpi +0.1%, core +0.2% mfe   (395 bytes , 299reads )
you are right. I was misled by the CPI. The key is the liquidity dry up and 临江仙   (34 bytes , 280reads )
为何大资本如此脆弱? 一个subprime全趴下了? 割吧,都焦了   (0 bytes , 186reads )
现在已经趴下的有两种 AXL   (130 bytes , 241reads )
个人理解哈,是不是因为它不能跟散户一样one click就完成交易 我无语老   (440 bytes , 297reads )
subprime是underlying,真正杀手是derivatives whose underlying is speculatist   (174 bytes , 284reads )
yep. Those derivatives are normally CDOs and CLOs, 临江仙   (219 bytes , 330reads )
er...kindly refer to details in CFA level 2 text books ... speculatist   (34 bytes , 300reads )
CDO & CLO itself doesnot give leverage, if I remember correctly? 临江仙   (210 bytes , 293reads )
how leverage comes in? based on one pool of mortgages speculatist   (647 bytes , 300reads )
maybe a large size fund concentrate their risks in one small size cdo? 割吧,都焦了   (83 bytes , 252reads )
支持这个“而相对资金比较封闭的地方受影响就少” 我无语老   (29 bytes , 240reads )
第一条不算阿.Core inflation is in check. not big worry. speculatist   (213 bytes , 300reads )
恩,第一条不算, 抱歉看错了. 临江仙   (1183 bytes , 269reads )
i m not saying "in fact" there is something more AXL   (400 bytes , 433reads )
大资金为了安全出走了先 我无语老   (102 bytes , 275reads )
investors withdrawing funds from emerging mkt AXL   (116 bytes , 265reads )
了解了解 我无语老   (260 bytes , 286reads )
哦哦 不是啦 A股QFII是small player AXL   (45 bytes , 238reads )
下面不能回了,我给你发个短信看个底线八 我无语老   (21 bytes , 222reads )
哈哈哈,那就好,技术面上可有的聊啦!5000为界,你愿意不? 我无语老   (82 bytes , 239reads )
呵呵 技术面我要让你失望了 AXL   (41 bytes , 264reads )
是啊,也想学习学习,AXL开个新贴说一说八~~ 我无语老   (0 bytes , 225reads )
空空,继续说说! flydell   (30 bytes , 254reads )
人们的大跌教训遗忘速度和这么快就忘了前几个月的大涨是一样的。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 212reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之(3) 空空如也   (584 bytes , 621reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之(4〕 空空如也   (821 bytes , 514reads )
80只分析报告? 劳动人民子弟   (73 bytes , 328reads )
问得很好,顺便具体回答一下 空空如也   (695 bytes , 368reads )
这个顶你,如S兄所言,做功课的态度非常值得学习! halley   (0 bytes , 185reads )
多谢空空兄 劳动人民子弟   (89 bytes , 286reads )
这些功夫是最大的财富。老兄这点着实令人佩服 speculatist   (168 bytes , 303reads )
大哥,回来吧! 热泪银矿地说 割吧,都焦了   (0 bytes , 191reads )
说的很好 我也想炒股   (18 bytes , 244reads )
来了就别走啊.不然这里我跟谁掐啊.走就是你怕我啊......... 北京时间   (554 bytes , 388reads )
上面两位大哥,真是“!!”所见略同啊! 涨挺板   (0 bytes , 224reads )
说的太好了啊 千虑   (99 bytes , 243reads )
再出来讲一次,教训!与那些难忘的新手朋友们共勉之 (2) 空空如也   (509 bytes , 581reads )
顶最后一句! 就怕既不是真正的基本面派 xiaomai   (186 bytes , 198reads )
顶! 过儿   (0 bytes , 180reads )
字字是金啊。。 Novice   (10 bytes , 229reads )
由于没有认真对待空空的倒货警告,本人现已呈木鸡状 redemption   (0 bytes , 212reads )
很感动空空如也这时候能出来说话,嗬嗬,别走了哦。。 新手上路   (0 bytes , 200reads )
空空来了, 就别走了. 希望经常看到你的指教. mfe   (0 bytes , 173reads )