Keppel Land
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-06-07 13:53

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
It reached about $9 around May 2007 in history. After it issued rights, for example, it was $2. then you can conver it to the old values before issing the right:

($2x19-$1.09x9)/10= $2.819

compared with the history price and the current market, ppl will think this property stock still has potencial to grow compared with Capitaland the CDL.

That is my assumtion, for your reference.

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刚刚到家,赶紧来提2个问题(Kepland nol 发新股) mkx   (187 bytes , 648reads )
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那每股净盈利不就少一半了?为何股价不降反而升那么多? mkx   (0 bytes , 229reads )
Keppel Land kenken99   (390 bytes , 388reads )
美国的公司一发新股,股票就跌 mkx   (62 bytes , 307reads )
取决于公司法新股的目的, 如果公司运转不灵,发新股来抵债, 就会跌。 JC   (0 bytes , 308reads )
还有一个疑问。。。。既然kepland新股的几个只有1块钱。。。。 mkx   (37 bytes , 323reads )