所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2018-09-18 23:30  更多评分:

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Are mass violence and catastrophes the only forces that can seriously decrease economic inequality? To judge by thousands of years of history, the answer is yes. Tracing the global history of inequality from the Stone Age to today, Walter Scheidel shows that inequality never dies peacefully. Periods of increased equality are usually born of carnage and disaster and are generally short-lived, disappearing with the return of peace and stability. The Great Leveler is the first book to chart the crucial role of violent shocks in reducing inequality over the full sweep of human history around the world.
Ever since humans began to farm, herd livestock, and pass on their assets to future generations, economic inequality has been a defining feature of civilization. Over thousands of years, only violent events have significantly lessened inequality. The "Four Horsemen" of leveling—mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues—have repeatedly destroyed the fortunes of the rich

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大家怎么看经济危机的可能性? baronbaron   (108 bytes , 8007reads )
这时候挺想在宁波的哥出来说两句 ddny   (0 bytes , 38reads )
大家都讨论的太复杂了 毛绒绒滴小河马   (71 bytes , 49reads )
到处听到裁员 vitesse   (16 bytes , 55reads )
为什么很多公司大量裁员呢 毛绒绒滴小河马   (70 bytes , 40reads )
金融危机和经济危机有些区别 鹏哥   (1006 bytes , 63reads )
好详细的解答 毛绒绒滴小河马   (295 bytes , 48reads )
我个人觉得 毛绒绒滴小河马   (68 bytes , 33reads )
不是这样 鹏哥   (1428 bytes , 37reads )
天朝并不是天下 笑天   (43 bytes , 39reads )
为什么持续印钞票就可以泡沫不破啊? cc123   (48 bytes , 50reads )
外汇是被管制的 鹏哥   (842 bytes , 43reads )
好详细,谢谢!说到外汇管制 cc123   (235 bytes , 34reads )
那政府可以一直印钱吗? vitesse   (195 bytes , 39reads )
先不管钞票 毛绒绒滴小河马   (76 bytes , 35reads )
其实都是 笑天   (93 bytes , 28reads )
饮鸩止渴 毛绒绒滴小河马   (0 bytes , 38reads )
抬举我了 鹏哥   (482 bytes , 33reads )
如果印钱同时还能financial repression就可以继续 tale   (395 bytes , 42reads )
手动点赞 五只小笨熊   (0 bytes , 33reads )
推荐一本书 毛绒绒滴小河马   (1259 bytes , 62reads )
我不相信天朝会崩盘 vitesse   (35 bytes , 52reads )
货币是不能乱印的,上一次gmd的金圆券 ybhcd   (365 bytes , 42reads )
继续印也是可以 鹏哥   (158 bytes , 36reads )
参照2008 静静看你装   (23 bytes , 33reads )
毛绒绒滴小河马   (10 bytes , 36reads )
借楼问一下,坡坡有没有失业保险? Bosch   (160 bytes , 25reads )
必须是意外或疾病引起的失业 x4   (36 bytes , 41reads )
预测经济危机这个东西, lioncity_sg   (151 bytes , 54reads )
感觉经济危机 DengWei   (102 bytes , 43reads )
为啥工薪阶层没机会呢 wiesler   (16 bytes , 29reads )
工薪阶层关注点不在于抄底 鹏哥   (377 bytes , 38reads )
都说了是工薪阶层还搞这么多房子,有那么多贷款 消失在人海   (10 bytes , 47reads )
说的太对了 Stella_Yuhan   (20 bytes , 28reads )
工作不稳,谁敢投资? DengWei   (111 bytes , 35reads )
金融小白提问:这样的话,是不是应该越早还完贷款越好? kellieyanlei   (179 bytes , 32reads )
我也是金融白痴,但是我自己感觉 longman   (499 bytes , 54reads )
谢谢分享 kellieyanlei   (43 bytes , 33reads )
手动点赞 鹏哥   (6 bytes , 24reads )
你认为哪些工作的影响比较大 longman   (36 bytes , 42reads )
老师感觉是铁饭碗啊 salaru   (0 bytes , 44reads )
经济危机影响是全方面的, DengWei   (251 bytes , 53reads )
因为没有足够的本金和勇气抄底 mkx   (121 bytes , 37reads )
说了半天 wiesler   (12 bytes , 32reads )
记得买保险不是买投资就没问题 salaru   (0 bytes , 48reads )
可能没工作了 tale   (0 bytes , 24reads )
短期看美股,长期看中国股 五谷   (66 bytes , 68reads )
编 继续编 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 52reads )
grace xiang是谁? japgolly   (24 bytes , 59reads )
都是她妹的套路 longman   (109 bytes , 44reads )
如果大家都意识到经济危机快要来了 mkx   (14 bytes , 58reads )
这个很形而上之啊 鹏哥   (30 bytes , 31reads )
卖投资联结保单保险经纪的套路。 王者农药   (32 bytes , 43reads )
吃瓜群众好像都对动机比较感兴趣 鹏哥   (137 bytes , 32reads )
看到很多错误的观点才出来讲2句。包括楼上的一些回复 王者农药   (1008 bytes , 40reads )
lz是买hdb 还是公寓 消失在人海   (43 bytes , 40reads )
取决于投资还是刚需 鹏哥   (1509 bytes , 50reads )
跟楼主截图看法一样 三好   (31 bytes , 43reads )
已经开始了不是吗 yaoyao8   (28 bytes , 33reads )
接上图 baronbaron   (51 bytes , 75reads )
It's a matter of when not if tale   (5 bytes , 32reads )