所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-04-22 21:58

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其他各个牌子的硬盘都在朋友的机器上崩溃过,尤其是IBM 75GXP/60GXP系列,没有几个能挨过保修期的




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想买个120G的硬盘,有没有推荐的?稳定性第一 maspero   (66 bytes , 864reads )
Seagate Savvio 香陵居士   (26 bytes , 292reads )
have you used it before? 逃课专家   (331 bytes , 366reads )
Of course I never used, but your argue is not so strong 香陵居士   (1320 bytes , 351reads )
i am just telling the truth 逃课专家   (1379 bytes , 746reads )
Ok, then I'm wrong, I believe you, 香陵居士   (146 bytes , 334reads )
"sound like 电锯" .. haha very accurate, exactly what i want to say Rick   (0 bytes , 280reads )
多谢,你们都是指的这两个品牌的最新型号么? maspero   (56 bytes , 366reads )
印象中还没有见过WD硬盘崩溃的实例 逃课专家   (304 bytes , 331reads )
支持WD,最稳定的,网络支持率最高的 On   (0 bytes , 323reads )
For IBM, i don't hear many complain for 100GXP and newer models. Rick   (167 bytes , 424reads )
correction: 120GXP not 100GXP Rick   (0 bytes , 239reads )
7K250的80G(2mb)真便宜,报价才107,不知道现在买2mb的是不是太落伍 maspero   (0 bytes , 301reads )
好像只有75GXP,60GXP,120GXP,180GXP和7K250 逃课专家   (18 bytes , 264reads )
这次丢脸了,怪不得我写100GXP的时候,自己都觉得有点怪。。 Rick   (40 bytes , 259reads )
thanks a lot. how about the warranty of IBM harddisk? I am checking their prices maspero   (113 bytes , 353reads )
WD 逃课专家   (0 bytes , 282reads )
IBM/Hitachi SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 259reads )
support. Rick   (0 bytes , 291reads )
western digital On   (0 bytes , 263reads )