i am just telling the truth
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-04-24 12:19  评分:

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1. maspero was asking "想买个120G的硬盘,有没有推荐的?”,therefore savvio's 37GB or 74GB available capacities are certainly out

2. i don't care what you did to spin a 5400rpm disk to 10000rpm and whatever accoustic result you got from it. i've been doing my IA in seagate and physically used all kind of SCSI disks. "10000rpm+ SCSI harddisks sound like 电锯" is both from my own experience and from the engineers who actually designed it. SCSI harddisks are mainly for servers which resides in a server room, whether they sound like a whisper or 电锯 is not a concern.

3. i am not saying 2.5' disks are not good. what i meant was spending tens of times of money on SCSI 2.5' harddisks than ordinary IDE 3.5' harddisks are of no point for a desktop system. by the way, your missed out one important point, smaller disk means less seek time but at the same time, in order to increase the relatively lower transfer rate (as compared to normal 3.5' design), the rpm must increase, which leads to more serious reliability problem. the real advantage of 2.5' disks is they generate less heat.

4. from maspero's point of view, i am sure that he wants more realistic answers than yours. almost everybody knows an $2000 RAID 5 with SCSI harddisks gives maximum performance and reliability. but have you ever considered getting such a set for your own desktop in your bedroom? expert?

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想买个120G的硬盘,有没有推荐的?稳定性第一 maspero   (66 bytes , 862reads )
Seagate Savvio 香陵居士   (26 bytes , 291reads )
have you used it before? 逃课专家   (331 bytes , 365reads )
Of course I never used, but your argue is not so strong 香陵居士   (1320 bytes , 351reads )
i am just telling the truth 逃课专家   (1379 bytes , 745reads )
Ok, then I'm wrong, I believe you, 香陵居士   (146 bytes , 333reads )
"sound like 电锯" .. haha very accurate, exactly what i want to say Rick   (0 bytes , 279reads )
多谢,你们都是指的这两个品牌的最新型号么? maspero   (56 bytes , 365reads )
印象中还没有见过WD硬盘崩溃的实例 逃课专家   (304 bytes , 330reads )
支持WD,最稳定的,网络支持率最高的 On   (0 bytes , 323reads )
For IBM, i don't hear many complain for 100GXP and newer models. Rick   (167 bytes , 424reads )
correction: 120GXP not 100GXP Rick   (0 bytes , 239reads )
7K250的80G(2mb)真便宜,报价才107,不知道现在买2mb的是不是太落伍 maspero   (0 bytes , 300reads )
好像只有75GXP,60GXP,120GXP,180GXP和7K250 逃课专家   (18 bytes , 264reads )
这次丢脸了,怪不得我写100GXP的时候,自己都觉得有点怪。。 Rick   (40 bytes , 259reads )
thanks a lot. how about the warranty of IBM harddisk? I am checking their prices maspero   (113 bytes , 353reads )
WD 逃课专家   (0 bytes , 282reads )
IBM/Hitachi SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 259reads )
support. Rick   (0 bytes , 291reads )
western digital On   (0 bytes , 263reads )