Hehehe... That post is indeed not quite helpful.
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-06-14 00:43

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In fact, you just need to know a few basics about Windows registry:

1) You can modify ALL user's registries if you are running regedit as Administrator. Look under HKEY_USERS, where you'll be able to find all users' data, include those that gets mapped to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Note that other things like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, etc. are shared among everybody using the system.

2) Note that all spaces are missing from the post. If you don't get them right, you'll end up importing the key value in the wrong place.

3) The property mentioned is more for interactive sessions with regedit. You can still use the non-interactive version of it.

4) Besides regedit, there is a less known regedt32 that is even more powerful than regedit built in Win2k/XP. regedt32 allows you to modify the security settings on individual registry branches/entries, and it allows import/export of even later version of .reg files that are in Unicode.

Flying @way 吳穎暉
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对软硬兼师置顶帖的疑问 graduating   (1162 bytes , 559reads )
ok, removed its status. waiting for a better post on that. SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 246reads )
Hehehe... That post is indeed not quite helpful. Flying   (928 bytes , 274reads )
(Y) Thanks for your enlightment graduating   (1001 bytes , 251reads )
Sorry just notice one wrong obvious wrong statement in my post graduating   (246 bytes , 294reads )
regedit.exe vs regedt32.exe Flying   (772 bytes , 306reads )