(Y) Thanks for your enlightment
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-06-14 10:52

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Your post is really really quite helpful.

The first point can already solve my problem. I run regedit as Administrator, search that [...System] key by exhuastive search since i don't know the classID(?) of the user account.

I don't know the spacing issue in the script file. I just tried to use tab. And for the 2nd line, author of the post emphasizes it to be a blank line. While from Internet articles, many just omit this blank line.

I am not sure about interactive and non-interactive sessions with regedit.

Last night I did find regedt32 in system32 folder, I don't know the difference between regedit and regedt32 at that time. Do your words imply that the regedit.exe can only read .reg files in ANSI? Can regedt32 read .reg files in UTF-8? ANSI is one byte per character, UNICODE two bytes per character, UTF-8 four bytes per character. Do you mean regedt32 can operate on keys which contain Chinese characters while regedit cannot do this?

Thanks for your enlightment in the reply.

Never frown even though tomorrow may be grey, may be blue
Who knows who will love your smile in next minute
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