所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2008-09-22 00:26

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

Re: _____________________________________Singapore________________

This Agreement is made on the___________day of___________20_______Between_____________________(hereinafter known as “The Landlord”) on the one part and __________________________(hereinafter known as “The Tenant”) on the other part。


The Landlord agrees to rent out_________Room(s) of the premises to the Tenant at the monthly rental of S$_____for a period of_________( ) months commencing from _________day of_______20____________to ________ day of________20 _________ with the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:-


1. The Tenant agrees to pay the Landlord an equivalent of_________( ) monthly rent as deposit.


2. Such deposit shall be refundable at the end of the term after deductions for damages caused by the Tenant, if any.


3. The Tenant must pay the monthly rental in advance on or before _______day of each calendar month.


4. In case of non-payment of rental (the sum having first been demanded) or a breach of the agreement by The Tenant, The Landlord may re-enter and take possession of the said premises. The Landlord shall terminate the Agreement & forfeits the deposit forthwith.


5. The rental includes / excludes water, electricity, gas bills / telephone bills.


6. The above premises are strictly not for immoral purposes.


7. No alteration or additional work is allowed in the premises without The Landlord’s permission.


8. The Tenant is not allowed to sublet the premises without The Landlord’s permission.


9. The premises / room shall not be occupied by more than______person(s).


10. Both The Tenant and The Landlord can give__________month(s) notice for early termination of Tenancy after a minimum occupation period of _________month(s). In this case, the deposit shall be refunded after deductions for damages caused by The Tenant, if any.


11. The Tenant must produce original/photocopy of documents such as NRIC/Passport/ Work Permit / Employment Pass / Student Pass to prove his / her identity and legitimate stay in Singapore.




凡事的发生必有其原因,并终将有助于我。 选择,是舍弃的智慧!
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
PR 买房流程及攻略 - BY 铜牌推广者 铜牌推广者   (918 bytes , 5340reads )
请问铜牌兄 孤舟   (86 bytes , 389reads )
夫妻只有1个PR,可以买HDB房吗? 铜牌推广者   (138 bytes , 1082reads )
请教两个问题 moumoumou   (136 bytes , 406reads )
还贷结束 铜牌推广者   (366 bytes , 526reads )
还有两个问题,谢谢 mayeve   (0 bytes , 293reads )
还有两个问题,谢谢 mayeve   (201 bytes , 445reads )
关于悔约,和1ST APPOINTMENT 铜牌推广者   (633 bytes , 557reads )
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还有别的罚款吗? mayeve   (25 bytes , 328reads )
比如说银行方面,HDB方面 铜牌推广者   (159 bytes , 444reads )
试着答一下哈 icky   (63 bytes , 398reads )
请问联系方式?有朋友要买房。 逛逛   (0 bytes , 269reads )
联系方式 铜牌推广者   (77 bytes , 392reads )
请教如果PR离开新加坡 mayeve   (417 bytes , 500reads )
PR离开新加坡,房子怎么办? 铜牌推广者   (572 bytes , 1451reads )
补充:如没住满规定期限要卖出HDB好像会有麻烦哦!没有那么容易批准卖的: 芳林   (124 bytes , 661reads )
请教铜牌兄 尺父   (38 bytes , 399reads )
回答,关于首付 铜牌推广者   (286 bytes , 507reads )
再请赐教,先谢过。 liupeng   (114 bytes , 326reads )
只有公民,拿津贴或买一手房,换购第2套1手房时,才需要还LEVY 铜牌推广者   (146 bytes , 481reads )
谢谢您专业及时地回答。 liupeng   (0 bytes , 280reads )
想听听专家的解答 开始了   (409 bytes , 386reads )
回答,关于二手房津贴和MOP (Minimum Occupation Period ) 铜牌推广者   (531 bytes , 742reads )
关于中介 绿豆芽   (178 bytes , 477reads )
关于中介 noviceme   (165 bytes , 340reads )
中介费 铜牌推广者   (190 bytes , 457reads )
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其实干嘛那么麻烦,和甲看好了,直接和房东联系买房不就好了。 hula   (67 bytes , 393reads )
法律上应该没问题吧,最多只是道义上的谴责--对,一针见血 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 341reads )
易中天翻版?呵呵。 hula   (0 bytes , 209reads )
呃,什么典故? 绿豆芽   (0 bytes , 264reads )
小知识:一份出租合约的样本,有中文说明 铜牌推广者   (2726 bytes , 696reads )
这个要顶,建议斑竹上个花花草草。 liupeng   (0 bytes , 307reads )
请教~ 龙鑫   (133 bytes , 533reads )
只了解一点。答得不全。 Mango   (426 bytes , 583reads )
MANGO 80%正确,一点更正 铜牌推广者   (120 bytes , 517reads )
请教两个问题 nil609   (203 bytes , 402reads )
关于贷款 铜牌推广者   (430 bytes , 779reads )
兄弟有几个问题想请教铜牌兄,先谢过了。 liupeng   (363 bytes , 536reads )
也有个相关问题 moumoumou   (90 bytes , 315reads )
两个小孩,不可以夫妻双方各和一个小孩买一套组屋,且不离婚. 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 627reads )
A,B 可行。 铜牌推广者   (519 bytes , 610reads )
还请赐教您的“馊主意",想必必是高见。 liupeng   (80 bytes , 389reads )
太“馊”了,您不会用的。呵呵 铜牌推广者   (40 bytes , 347reads )
只能说您的主意太富有创意及想象力了,也是致命的,因为 liupeng   (70 bytes , 380reads )
忘记补充:小孩是新公民。 liupeng   (0 bytes , 310reads )
小知识:要是去看房子的时候,都怎么看呢? 铜牌推广者   (1147 bytes , 872reads )
小知识,这周六我们约了个中介见面,也不知道什么样。 铜牌推广者   (952 bytes , 779reads )
小知识,关于grant 铜牌推广者   (398 bytes , 895reads )
有一点不明白 ghorse   (65 bytes , 468reads )
是这样的,没错。 铜牌推广者   (30 bytes , 452reads )
铜牌gg好热心哦 greyrabbit   (18 bytes , 329reads )
小知识,夫妻2人PR,一人没开始工作,可以买房吗? 铜牌推广者   (413 bytes , 913reads )
小知识,什么是HLE?去哪里可以申请呢? 铜牌推广者   (448 bytes , 1397reads )
小知识,可以用公司的名字买公寓吗? 铜牌推广者   (261 bytes , 606reads )
请问铜牌兄,用公司名义买二手组屋是不是不可以 aspernet   (0 bytes , 399reads )
不可以 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 266reads )
铜牌兄是agent吗?小弟我最近正想买房呢。 开始了   (0 bytes , 320reads )
是AGENT,有任何问题,这里提出,大家一起研究 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 323reads )
是狮城网的铜牌兄吗 27   (62 bytes , 772reads )
正是在下,谢谢称赞 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 250reads )
小知识,听说PR夫妻月收入超过8000不可以买 HDB? 铜牌推广者   (347 bytes , 1504reads )
公民夫妻月收入超过8000可以买二手房,但不享受3万块津贴 eeprom   (0 bytes , 582reads )
一些银行的链接 -- 贷款 铜牌推广者   (458 bytes , 857reads )