Buyers throng showflats
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2009-06-24 17:45

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Buyers throng showflats
Jun 23, 2009 - The Straits Times
Joyce Teo, Property Correspondent

BUYERS continued to throng showflats over the weekend as the craze to pick up a new home shows no signs of abating.

Within three days of its Friday launch, Frasers Centrepoint managed to sell 302 out of 330 units at its 99-year leasehold Woodleigh Close project . The average transacted price of the mass-market project was $790 per sq ft.

The buyers' profile was overwhelmingly Singaporean - just 3 per cent were foreigners and permanent residents, said Frasers Centrepoint chief executive Lim Ee Seng.

He said the strong response took him by surprise, though he was quick to add that had help from the improving market sentiment and strong project-specific attributes.

Apart from location - near Potong Pasir MRT station and the yet-to-open Woodleigh MRT station on the North-East Line - a major attraction was the small, affordable units, he said.

The developer had earlier tweaked the mix of bigger and smaller flats from a ratio of 60:40 to 40:60, which added an extra 30 units to the development. It also reduced the size of the larger units slightly.

About 60 per cent of the units were one- and two-bedders. Although the 400 sq ft one-bedders cost a seemingly high $930 psf to $1,070 psf, the absolute price worked out to a more appetising $370,000 to $440,000.

Buyers could be drawn to a 'speculative element', said Mr Lim, as is next to the Stamford American International School and some buyers are hoping to rent out units to expatriate families.

Half of the buyers have HDB addresses. About a third of them are aged 30 to 39, another one-third aged 40 to 49, with 22 per cent in their 50s.

The response has been so positive that Frasers Centrepoint, which sold 50 units at a Friday special preview, will dispense with an originally planned main launch this coming weekend as under 30 - mostly three-bedders - are left.

'We will release everything to capitalise on the momentum,' said Mr Lim.

Another project, Parc Seabreeze in Marine Parade, also saw demand after it apparently brought forward its launch. It sold about 50 units over three days since Friday at prices ranging from $1,050 psf to $1,550 psf, said agents.

The price is down from $1,600 psf to $1,700 psf quoted at the preview in May last year, which drew a lacklustre response then.

Even as mass-market projects did well, the upper-mid market also appears to be flourishing.

Investors have been flocking to the 152-unit One Devonshire in the Killiney Road area, with 130 units sold so far at an average price of $1,800 psf since a special preview over a week ago.

The recession-defying market exuberance has led some analysts to question its sustainability.

HSR Property Group executive director Eric Cheng said the buying interest stems from those afraid to lose out. Some people also made money in the stock market, while HDB valuations have been rising, boosting confidence in the market, he said.

But 'it's still a buyers' market', said Mr Lim. Though there is demand, buyers are selective.

With more competition amid the financial crisis, developers have taken to working with more property agencies to market their projects.

Instead of just one as was the norm during the 2007 boom, they now work with two or three agencies to ensure a wider reach, said Mr Cheng.

Mr Lim said the company did a pre-marketing test or survey about three months before the launch of its Jurong project Caspian. The wider the reach, the greater the chance of success in getting buyers hooked.

And that is what Hong Leong Holdings hopes to achieve by launching a page on social networking site Facebook to market its 329-unit The Gale in Upper Changi. It said this will enable them to disseminate information to Web-savvy property watchers and to engage with a wider audience.


8@Woodleigh : 302 out of 330 units at the 99-year leasehold project sold since Friday. The average transacted price was $790 per sq ft.

Parc Seabreeze: Sold about 50 units over three days since Friday at prices ranging from $1,050 psf to $1,550 psf, said agents, down from $1,600 psf to $1,700 psf.

One Devonshire: 130 units out of 152 sold at an average price of $1,800 psf since a special preview over a week ago.

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有图在此: 芳林   (4 bytes , 480reads )
还有在建时所拍的照片,真的很雷人啊,也是假的吗? 芳林   (47 bytes , 325reads )
我还真希望有人上来说这个照片也是假的拼图做的呢! 芳林   (4 bytes , 319reads )
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这两个都是一个人设计的。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 247reads )
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设计不错啊, 偶喜欢这种搭积木的感觉, 呼呼 aspernet   (0 bytes , 328reads )
那个地方我住过,三面有路围着吵极了,高楼可看海,但电器易坏,烟尘大。这个价不如 芳林   (450 bytes , 924reads )
呵呵,Gillman Heights我也住过,凑巧,芳姐现在住的地方我也在附近住了6年 xian0047   (510 bytes , 652reads )
我们门口就有174,77到乌节路,还有970,985,66,61,157,173。没有觉得很不方便啊! 芳林   (776 bytes , 759reads )
友情提醒:加拿大学校已经选好了新址,几年后将搬去lakeside附近。 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 372reads )
花芭山旁边也有个Canadian International School (Sec)。他们到处开? xian0047   (0 bytes , 292reads )
前年帮国内朋友问时,据说会留着幼儿小学班,搬去裕朗西湖畔那边的只是高年级部分。 芳林   (847 bytes , 462reads )
my point of view pppppppiggy   (757 bytes , 602reads )
留意过,有人说the Raintree后面的bukit timah山上有发射塔,看得见吗?是什么的发射塔 housewife   (58 bytes , 454reads )
看日出日落的时候有发射塔座背景美死了。 freed0m   (35 bytes , 434reads )
还是健康重要,那周围1公里有5个发射塔,1个相控阵雷达基地,密度太大了一点 zhaoyu45   (49 bytes , 434reads )
不好意思,楼上说的是hillview zhaoyu45   (186 bytes , 411reads )
你说的是Hillview再往北走的Ministry of Defence吗? xian0047   (89 bytes , 554reads )
如果你说的是The Raintree, 93 Bukit Drive 587844,具体测量见内 zhaoyu45   (529 bytes , 503reads )
多谢!经指点,终于在google earth上找到了两处发射塔,雷达站在什么方向? housewife   (430 bytes , 598reads )
雷达基本上比较象这个, 车载的面积还小一些,固定的应该还大 zhaoyu45   (165 bytes , 349reads )
我们小区有出租屋顶给几家电信公司装手机讯号发射站,居民有意见,要找相关部门来检测 芳林   (902 bytes , 659reads )
我有目测过的,我家客厅离手机讯号台空间距离大约有50多米远,应该没有什么问题的 芳林   (219 bytes , 330reads )
地下停车场手机信号弱是正常的,通常天线是方向性的,水平方向 housewife   (0 bytes , 353reads )
signature park离两组发射塔分别是1.1km和1.3km,不过你的测量印证了我的例子 zhaoyu45   (116 bytes , 591reads )
嗯。。。星期三就看到有人在anchorpoint拉人。 watercooler   (66 bytes , 503reads )
google 了一下 Conniesisu   (83 bytes , 413reads )
真是气愤啊。 watercooler   (82 bytes , 387reads )
这不是亏了嘛,但是他们有优先权,探听一下什么均价? housewife   (0 bytes , 238reads )
跟外面的一样。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 271reads )
我倒,外面没听到确定的价钱,只说大概的价位,他们难道也得交空白支票? housewife   (0 bytes , 291reads )
我朋友在92年买Gillman Heights是39万,最后卖给发展商是95万,1770方尺,6楼三房 芳林   (575 bytes , 541reads )
很有道理 etet   (0 bytes , 211reads )
92年的hdb index是40%, 09年是140% watercooler   (207 bytes , 377reads )
还是得要不止一套房子才能真赚到 housewife   (0 bytes , 270reads )
早买房的还是在en bloc赚到很多的。祝大家好好做功课,心想事成早日找到自己的安乐窝 芳林   (482 bytes , 542reads )
是的。。。。 watercooler   (36 bytes , 270reads )
再倒,看来en bloc也不赚啊,同价买不回原来的好地点,环境还更挤 housewife   (0 bytes , 263reads )
前业主今天去预售了吧?回来透露一下价格? housewife   (0 bytes , 246reads )
我昨天刚在想Interlace广告正热又是ERA的,connie怎么还没出来,今天就来了:) housewife   (0 bytes , 345reads )
完了 现在不能偷懒了 Conniesisu   (20 bytes , 279reads )
已有一套HDB,想购一套公寓自住。是不是个人CPF里一定要有五万三才能用CPF? 凯文   (64 bytes , 601reads )
从7月一号起,minimum sum 又起了 Conniesisu   (244 bytes , 712reads )
如果要用CPF买公寓, 只能用你CPF ORD + SP AC 多过53K的部分 菠罗包   (0 bytes , 486reads )
SP AC? 清尘   (70 bytes , 216reads )
谢谢,就是说连首付也要53千以后的部分? 凯文   (0 bytes , 268reads )
对的,就是说你动用CPF买公寓后,CFP必须还剩余53K 菠罗包   (0 bytes , 500reads )
hmm, 可是我卖完公寓CPF OA里几乎不剩钱了 一米阳光   (59 bytes , 491reads )
望指教:买旧公寓和新公寓除了手续上不太一样外,哪个比较划算?旧公寓还是新公寓 凯文   (0 bytes , 621reads )
哪个划算这个东西很难说,选择因人而异吧 Conniesisu   (1104 bytes , 756reads )
楼主多说一点吧,这两个公寓的比较很有代表性 clouds   (290 bytes , 561reads )
为什么这么多人去买optima? Conniesisu   (801 bytes , 535reads )
某些人只喜欢一手的;特别是某些男的。 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 363reads )
这个总结厉害。 凯文   (0 bytes , 265reads )
新手请教楼主关于银行贷款买公寓的问题 菠罗包   (228 bytes , 920reads )
这样的话有谁会选择top up呢? 香陵居士   (74 bytes , 310reads )
下定之前,再来问问大家的意见 菠罗包   (73 bytes , 515reads )
我没记错的话,这个楼盘是去年就出了的吧 Conniesisu   (359 bytes , 489reads )
我也是这么想的 菠罗包   (234 bytes , 311reads )
是否有泡沫,有个很简单的判断方法:看租金回报率 偶然冒泡   (135 bytes , 583reads )
是真的 Conniesisu   (264 bytes , 666reads )
多谢楼主解答,已经和银行确认了 菠罗包   (76 bytes , 502reads )
银行好狠哪! etet   (0 bytes , 326reads )
你抵押的东西只值50万,为什么要借给你51万 sqtalk   (64 bytes , 338reads )
找你这么说,房价下跌了是不是可以找开发商要退款? etet   (52 bytes , 507reads )
完全摸不着头脑 sqtalk   (315 bytes , 346reads )
下跌20%当然是有的 Conniesisu   (286 bytes , 403reads )
银行是你的借款人,不是合伙者啊,他当然要保障自己的利益了 龙蝇   (0 bytes , 276reads )
请问,是一跌破后,马上就要还给银行这一大笔钱吗? 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 243reads )
同问一下 etet   (0 bytes , 272reads )
惊叹号!!难怪都不肯让跌呢,原来泡泡之后是更惨烈的状况阿 偶然冒泡   (37 bytes , 384reads )
District 15: The Lenox @ Kembangan ( launching soon) Conniesisu   (1452 bytes , 674reads )
不如再写个续:新手想买旧公寓,你要了解些什么 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 494reads )
多谢捧场 Conniesisu   (171 bytes , 495reads )
附议! etet   (0 bytes , 300reads )
非常细心的中介,非常有用的讯息,我把这些收录到了 froggyfrog   (125 bytes , 580reads )
谢谢夸奖,不过。。。 Conniesisu   (73 bytes , 432reads )
可以的可以的,其实我们并没有 froggyfrog   (149 bytes , 349reads )
I don't understand, why on the one hand commentators are bullish, freed0m   (182 bytes , 519reads )
个人觉得 Conniesisu   (196 bytes , 491reads )
而且,新加坡政府也不会任由市场这么扭曲变态,很快地相关的压制措施就会出来, 宝贝贝   (103 bytes , 494reads )
市场行情嘛, 宝贝贝   (87 bytes , 426reads )
请问Connie关于AIRSTREAM的信息 Lacus   (123 bytes , 675reads )
有没有去看?又给最近ballot到完的项目增添一个范例 Conniesisu   (0 bytes , 342reads )
预售推迟到下个礼拜了,预估价格大概是1100-1200 psf Conniesisu   (75 bytes , 410reads )
顶顶,最近赚翻了吧? etet   (0 bytes , 284reads )
没有呢 我回国前前后后耽搁差不多一个月,黄花菜都凉了 :) Conniesisu   (0 bytes , 306reads )
问问connie知道推迟发售是什么原因么 cloristre   (30 bytes , 316reads )
也没有什么特别的原因 Conniesisu   (136 bytes , 455reads )
请问connie有没有关于the quartz的信息啊 urgone   (137 bytes , 627reads )
刚刚TOP的房子价格都有点疯涨 Conniesisu   (217 bytes , 835reads )
很有用的帖,顶一下。 铜牌推广者   (0 bytes , 334reads )
谢谢铜牌大哥鼓励 Conniesisu   (15 bytes , 336reads )
后续之三:什么付款方式最适合你 Conniesisu   (2126 bytes , 1489reads )
请问connie,IAS方式 定金外的15% 首付是在TOP时付还是8周内啊 kevin07   (53 bytes , 336reads )
condo买家需要给中介费的吗?我貌似记得只有卖家给吧?correct me if wrong 龙蝇   (0 bytes , 488reads )
you are correct.... Conniesisu   (35 bytes , 472reads )
NPS和IAS cloristre   (107 bytes , 526reads )
对的,URA只显示这个单位的转售价格,不会帮你去转换是什么付款方式的 Conniesisu   (164 bytes , 461reads )
如果夫妻俩一起供房的话,这个53000块是指每个人的CPF里都要有这么多? neko   (12 bytes , 693reads )
夫妻联名的话可以是这个数的1.5倍 ,不过要指定对方是自己的受益人 Conniesisu   (841 bytes , 848reads )
后面的数字少了个0 etet   (0 bytes , 279reads )
哟,谢谢提醒,这个错犯大了, 华新好像不能修改? Conniesisu   (72 bytes , 362reads )
新发售楼盘信息更新及讨论 Conniesisu   (118 bytes , 1119reads )
District 12: Trevista 即将推出 Conniesisu   (1141 bytes , 766reads )
四房指的是4间卧室吗?还是三间,外加一间客厅? 凯文   (0 bytes , 511reads )
四房是指四个卧室的 Conniesisu   (75 bytes , 272reads )
很有帮助,谢谢。我还以为和组屋的说法一样。 凯文   (0 bytes , 254reads )
预售28号下午3点开放给公众 Conniesisu   (294 bytes , 335reads )
今天差点头都挤爆了 Conniesisu   (333 bytes , 356reads )
还没有找中介,28号我可以去看吗?还是一定要到29号才能看? 凯文   (100 bytes , 258reads )
怎么字全都挤到一团去了。。。。 Conniesisu   (71 bytes , 374reads )
District 12: Vista Residences (launching soon) Conniesisu   (898 bytes , 807reads )
District 13: woodleigh Project (new launching) Conniesisu   (1215 bytes , 1371reads )
很实在的帖子!好处说了,坏处也没有保留,要顶! etet   (0 bytes , 347reads )
谢谢, 这个project买的真的太火了 Conniesisu   (0 bytes , 355reads )
Buyers throng showflats Conniesisu   (4289 bytes , 583reads )
200 plus units were taken during the 1st day of preview~~~ Conniesisu   (112 bytes , 396reads )
请问东部最近又没有新的公寓? 两卧房 sunmoon   (0 bytes , 410reads )
Kembangan MRT 附近有一个,去年发售的小公寓还有两间两房的,freehold, 今年年底TOP Conniesisu   (16 bytes , 773reads )
District 5: The Peak@Balmeg Conniesisu   (697 bytes , 1007reads )
西部还有什么新项目吗? housewife   (396 bytes , 498reads )
至于the peak and the parc Conniesisu   (357 bytes , 636reads )
在URA网站上查到The Parc condo Cumulative Units Launched but Unsold 40 housewife   (134 bytes , 668reads )
不知道是不是有些买家没有lodge caveate的关系 Conniesisu   (152 bytes , 848reads )
我最近听说的新项目好像都在东边和downtown嗳 Conniesisu   (0 bytes , 302reads )
请问买新房是跟developer买还是中介?? babyichigo   (46 bytes , 665reads )
现在才看到还有另外一个问题是问价钱是否还会继续下滑的 Conniesisu   (158 bytes , 692reads )
是跟developer买,不是跟个人 Conniesisu   (352 bytes , 738reads )
就是说如果我买了mm介绍我看的新公寓,也不用付中介费,是这个意思吗? neko   (7 bytes , 427reads )
是的!我帮她答了。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 284reads )
谢谢:) Conniesisu   (29 bytes , 336reads )
Connie, 建议你开个 房产扫盲班. duncan1201   (0 bytes , 286reads )
你太抬举我了,呵呵 Conniesisu   (65 bytes , 407reads )
后续之二:走进样板房之前,先有个心理准备 Conniesisu   (3182 bytes , 2198reads )
好文章!再顶你一下! etet   (0 bytes , 284reads )
谢谢支持,还有最后一部分关于付款的,会尽快写完, 希望对大家有帮助~~~ Conniesisu   (0 bytes , 352reads )
再次支持 a1k   (6 bytes , 266reads )
请问转售价格历史信息哪里有更早的?URA只有一年,propertyguru只查到06年的 housewife   (0 bytes , 601reads )
我们有付费使用的database,最早可以查到02年的 Conniesisu   (41 bytes , 570reads )
顶。姜还是老的辣 duncan1201   (0 bytes , 270reads )
顶你! etet   (0 bytes , 265reads )
支持 a1k   (0 bytes , 253reads )
顶,对新手很有指导意义! YLY   (0 bytes , 299reads )