不是income tax,see details inside
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2009-07-09 11:48

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Govt is proposing clarity to income tax law- anyone who sells more than 2
properties within 4 years may be taxed on gains from second sale onwards.
This will quell speculation and will take effect Jan 2010 if made into law.
Impact on developers- negative as it could spur a flurry of sales amongst
speculators before law kicks in. Here below is the article from ST.

July 8, 2009
When to tax property gains

A PROPOSED change to income tax laws will make clearer to property sellers
when they will be taxed on their profits.

Anyone who sells only one property in any four-year period will not be taxed
on his profit, according to a proposed amendment to the Income Tax Act.

But if he sells another property within four years of the first sale, the
profit from the second sale may be taxable.

If the proposal becomes law, it will provide certainty for owners who now
cannot be sure if the taxman will come calling after they sell.

Under existing rules, an individual does not pay tax on gains made from
selling a property unless the taxman decides that he is trader - someone who
buys and sells multiple properties within a short time span. And there is no
way for the seller to know in advance if he might be deemed a trader.

The new way of taxing property profits is one of many changes listed in a
draft Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2009 put up for public feedback last month
by the Finance Ministry. If implemented, the change will take effect from

A ministry spokesman told The Straits Times on Tuesday that the proposed
change aims to provide certainty of non-taxation to individuals who own

Once it takes effect, the individual who sells a property for a profit can
be sure that his gains will not be taxed - provided he had not sold any
other property in the previous four years.

If he sold other properties within that period, the spokesman said, the
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (Iras) will decide whether he should
be taxed, 'based on the facts and circumstances, no different from the
present tax treatment'.

The draft Bill can be read at the Finance Ministry website www.mof.gov.sg
and the public has up to next Tuesday to give feedback. The Bill is expected
to go before Parliament later in the year.

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这也是为什么这两年中介这么赚钱。 凶鼠   (0 bytes , 330reads )
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就又回到国内那种靠房子剥削大众的路子了。。。 凶鼠   (42 bytes , 329reads )
大部分刚毕业2~3年的大学小俩口不用家里支援就能买400k左右的房子 sqtalk   (726 bytes , 566reads )
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新加坡。。不是大学生的还是很多的。。。组屋本来就不是为大学生准备的。。 hula   (0 bytes , 312reads )
你这一句随便的很多,害得我查了点时间来search sqtalk   (363 bytes , 513reads )
不可能把,就那么几所大学,每年招多少人数的过来的,我感觉poly都比大学生多啊 龙蝇   (0 bytes , 258reads )
degree holder是包括private degree的。。 hula   (547 bytes , 418reads )
你难住我了,我知道包括private,但不知道比例,呵呵 sqtalk   (479 bytes , 363reads )
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觉得我楼下这句有点因果循环的感觉。。。 凶鼠   (2 bytes , 267reads )
所以房价涨不涨其实主要看政府政策了? 凶鼠   (36 bytes , 275reads )
8错,新加坡不是福利社会 sqtalk   (448 bytes , 351reads )
to 楼下: 人家那些是发达国家阿。新加坡可是没有退休制度的。老了是没有收入来源的 凶鼠   (0 bytes , 357reads )
price to income ratio ~ 6算偏高 sqtalk   (148 bytes , 354reads )
当然我本人没有任何预测房价升降的意思,希望不要有人被我影响 hula   (213 bytes , 357reads )
正所谓“远水解不了近渴”,预购组屋对二手组屋价格的影响有限。 hamani   (104 bytes , 536reads )
但如果政府把预购组屋价格和转售组屋价拉大,需求就会缓解 double11   (58 bytes , 351reads )
价格不太可能随意拉大的,政府要考虑对其他公民的公平,并且不能起到坏的示范作用 龙蝇   (0 bytes , 241reads )
对capital gain 收property tax应该不是个利好吧 SIGG+   (181 bytes , 447reads )
可是只是收income tax啊,收多少百分点? housewife   (0 bytes , 180reads )
不是income tax,see details inside SIGG+   (2250 bytes , 423reads )
不就是income tax law吗?昨天从头看到尾了。就是不知道要收多少 housewife   (478 bytes , 323reads )
property tax其实说明政府不让房价跌 aspernet   (47 bytes , 450reads )
为什么说是不让房价跌呢?不懂。 SIGG+   (0 bytes , 230reads )
政府需要钱....土地是新加坡唯一的资源了... aspernet   (18 bytes , 340reads )
同意A版的观点,具体不懂的同学请参照天朝国房市 liumama   (0 bytes , 213reads )
搞成国内那样难道是好事? zhaoyu45   (56 bytes , 242reads )
小新岂能与有特色的天朝相比? liumama   (49 bytes , 221reads )
加班加点印钞? liumama   (0 bytes , 167reads )
我还是觉得这是个利空 SIGG+   (189 bytes , 373reads )
长期来讲,因为通胀等原因,肯定都是涨的 偶然冒泡   (156 bytes , 502reads )
今天的BT有专版,讲的就是这个,观点和你说的很相像 sqtalk   (168 bytes , 603reads )