US group incurs hefty loss on luxury condo investment
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2012-12-27 00:15

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Wachovia's $55m loss on Grange Road project highlights weak market

Published on Dec 25, 2012

By Dennis Chan, Deputy Money Editor

UNITED States financial services group Wachovia has sold its investment in City Developments' (CDL's) freehold Grange Road project at a hefty loss.

The sale, which is likely to cost Wachovia a loss of $55 million, underscores the continuing weakness in the high-end residential property market, despite hopeful talk of a recovery next year.

It is also a sign that Wachovia does not believe it can recoup its investment in Cliveden at Grange in the short to mid-term, after making a big bet on the property at the height of the high-end rally five years ago.

Wachovia teamed up with CDL in November 2007 to acquire 44 Cliveden homes for $432.4 million. Under the deal, which worked out to an average price of $3,750 per sq ft (psf), Wachovia's real estate arm, Wachovia Development, took a 60 per cent stake in the joint-venture company, Grange 100.

Grange 100 is the vehicle which owns the 44 units - a mix of three- and four-bedroom apartments and penthouses in two of the four towers at Cliveden.

Based on its equity share, a back of the envelope calculation puts Wachovia's investment at $259.4 million. In selling its 60 per cent stake in Grange 100 to CDL for $204.5 million, the average price works out to $2,956 psf.

That is a drop of 21.2 per cent from the price it paid in 2007.

Analysts reckon the size of this sale at such a steep price drop will have an adverse impact on the Urban Redevelopment Authority's (URA's) private home price index, particularly the sub-index for the central core region.

Wachovia's actual loss may vary as the $204.5 million price tag includes advances it had extended to Grange 100.

CDL said in a statement that, in acquiring Wachovia's stake, it has taken a medium- to long- term view of Cliveden and has confidence in the project.

"The consideration was arrived at on a willing buyer, willing seller basis, taking into account the net asset value attributable to the Wachovia shares based on, inter alia, the financial statements of Grange 100 and outstanding shareholder loans," it said.

A search with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority shows that Grange 100 has accumulated losses of $121.8 million as of 2011, since it was set up in 2008.

The last time Cliveden saw any transaction, based on caveats lodged, was in April 2008, when a 2,842 sq ft unit was sold for $11.1 million, or $3,914 psf.

The 110-unit Cliveden was completed last year. URA data shows that the condominium is 80 per cent sold, at prices ranging from $3,265 psf to $4,313 psf.

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你这个人总是故意回避问题 flyover2010   (132 bytes , 111reads )
这是我这段时间思考的问题。 -_-||   (220 bytes , 123reads )
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谢谢。 然后考虑要攒多久的钱。 呵呵 king   (0 bytes , 107reads )
老百姓真心关心的是这个 哈哈 hzleaf   (0 bytes , 172reads )
凡事没有easy answer flyover2010   (57 bytes , 86reads )
那为啥是熊市的开始呢? -_-||   (0 bytes , 92reads )
好吧,讲的明白点 flyover2010   (250 bytes , 122reads )
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首先感谢你的回帖 flyover2010   (586 bytes , 117reads )
有HDB的人为啥要卖? king   (0 bytes , 107reads )
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每年的十一二月不都这样的吗? deepPurple   (98 bytes , 216reads )
楼主可以看看去年12月的销售量的跌幅,会感觉更振奋。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 169reads )
去年只有12月份交易量暴跌没错 flyover2010   (119 bytes , 137reads )
你是真没看到过熊市的成交量啊。去看看08年的成交量吧。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 123reads )
我有07到12的所有数据和图表 flyover2010   (36 bytes , 133reads )
所以,大概啥时候开始跌价呢?大概能跌个多少。 -_-||   (32 bytes , 122reads )
好料就不能随便分享了。。。 flyover2010   (109 bytes , 150reads )
可笑。。 watercooler   (90 bytes , 212reads )
息怒息怒 flyover2010   (134 bytes , 193reads )
偶只是作为华新骨灰才这样说的。。。 watercooler   (256 bytes , 159reads )
好吧,俺潜心学习去了。 -_-||   (154 bytes , 129reads )
执照不考的不代表客户不关心啊 flyover2010   (314 bytes , 106reads )
中介执照的考试还真不包括这些问题。 -_-||   (284 bytes , 151reads )
你不是房产中介吗 flyover2010   (185 bytes , 115reads )
哪些数据,具体点儿。 -_-||   (281 bytes , 110reads )
这些是我的推理,数据在前面。 flyover2010   (177 bytes , 120reads )
好吧 -_-||   (245 bytes , 164reads )
任何人都可以有任何看法 flyover2010   (211 bytes , 125reads )
无非就是中介有房一族是不能看涨的。 -_-||   (180 bytes , 147reads )
在涉及到利益问题时 flyover2010   (179 bytes , 106reads )
好吧好吧。。 watercooler   (316 bytes , 130reads )
今年12月会怎样呢?会继续跌吗? wen_1982   (0 bytes , 121reads )
没意外,还会跌一些。传统淡季。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 96reads )
求指点 AGA   (99 bytes , 146reads )
美女误会了。淡季针对的是销量。 -_-||   (26 bytes , 113reads )
谢谢~ AGA   (12 bytes , 98reads )
嗯,这么多有购买力的童鞋等着跌 友友   (18 bytes , 187reads )
我是指销量 wen_1982   (0 bytes , 127reads )
是不是‘假摔’呢? 友友   (34 bytes , 168reads )
为什么发售量低呢? flyover2010   (26 bytes , 94reads )