所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-03-22 10:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
THE Housing Board has rolled out close to 4,000 new flats, with 470 in Punggol, the new town that has generated lots of buzz recently.

Experts expect the four- and five-room units there to be the most popular picks of the flats launched yesterday. Prices of the Punggol flats start from $294,000 for the four-room units, and $363,000 for the five-roomers.

But the other offerings, in Bukit Batok and Sengkang, could draw lower interest than normal, warned experts, as some buyers may adopt a wait-and-see approach as plans are being made to reduce the prices of new flats.

Yesterday's launch of Build-to-Order (BTO) projects is the HDB's second this year.

It is also the first time since last July that the Government has offered new flats in Punggol, which is being developed into a new centre of waterfront living.

A report last October showed median resale prices of flats there rising at 3.7 per cent, higher than the national average of 2.3 per cent, in a trend that analysts believe will accelerate.

But experts added that Punggol could well prove to be the only hot spot in the latest launch offering, as some buyers turn more cautious about taking up BTO flats in non-mature estates.

Yesterday's launch was the first since National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan promised to bring down new flat prices in non-mature estates by 30 per cent. He had made it clear that the cheaper flats would come with restrictions to differentiate them from current BTO units.

With the details still to be revealed, buyers may hold back, said DWG senior manager Lee Sze Teck.

And as reports have emerged of delays in the completion of BTO projects, some might also choose to wait for the upcoming Sale of Balance Flats exercise instead, as these units have already been built. The HDB said yesterday that 3,000 flats will be available in the exercise in May.

Church worker Hwang E-wan, 30, and her fiance, said they would hold back. "We are also waiting to see what the Government will do to bring prices down," she said. "The more affordable, the better."

Yesterday's launch was also the last one this year before a new initiative to cater to those looking to buy their second flat from HDB kicks in. In May, the quota of new two- or three-room flats for second-timers will double, from 15 per cent to 30 per cent.

This is to help financially vulnerable families downgrade with ease, Mr Khaw said during the Budget debate earlier this month.

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我是来科普买组屋基本信息的,最基本的小白贴,大牛请绕道 凡人   (203 bytes , 24521reads )
这个帖子好详细 lingranxy   (41 bytes , 53reads )
请教一下 O_OMao   (58 bytes , 48reads )
可以 凡人   (0 bytes , 41reads )
PR 妈妈和公民宝宝能买BTO么? Calicocat   (70 bytes , 79reads )
弱弱的问一下,是不是买HDB要给中介费,买公寓就不用给中介费? vivi_不乖   (0 bytes , 170reads )
market practise是这样 凡人   (64 bytes , 199reads )
啥时候 一口一木   (14 bytes , 201reads )
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凡人姐姐,我有几个小问题想请教一下 rei331   (307 bytes , 266reads )
我说的这个是最正常的情况 凡人   (1006 bytes , 312reads )
凡人mm怎么看最近3月的bto啊 stephanie   (142 bytes , 287reads )
BTO我基本上还在一窍不通的状态,囧 凡人   (69 bytes , 261reads )
海峡时报封面都说了:Punggol solo_estoy   (2448 bytes , 390reads )
这地方小孩子入托上学都比较成问题吧? wen_1982   (28 bytes , 179reads )
嗯,bukit batok的不错,但是要等四年半! solo_estoy   (37 bytes , 267reads )
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凡人mm也开始奔牛人发展了。顶人品 king   (17 bytes , 224reads )
没有啦,房地产这块我还是刚开始入门 凡人   (488 bytes , 266reads )
忙碌点好, 这样的人生才充实吗? king   (39 bytes , 221reads )
一直很佩服king兄阿 watercooler   (92 bytes , 245reads )
哈哈, 这不是鼓励凡人mm吗 king   (60 bytes , 221reads )
嗯。。这就对了。。。 watercooler   (22 bytes , 216reads )
贷款 凡人   (1867 bytes , 1500reads )
不过偶们换了sibor的浮动 watercooler   (122 bytes , 292reads )
哈哈, 羡慕cash多的人 king   (0 bytes , 225reads )
羡慕income高的人。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 197reads )
这个一定要顶! 燕妮   (16 bytes , 161reads )
呵呵, 最近会有个 HDB loan不错, king   (0 bytes , 233reads )
好了,收工,休息 凡人   (0 bytes , 285reads )
好详细啊! ID未激活   (26 bytes , 389reads )
PR买二手房的手续 凡人   (1911 bytes , 1071reads )
发现了一个BUG,SUBMIT TO HDB时候双方不可以同时SUBMIT,少了一个不字 凡人   (0 bytes , 359reads )
烦人姐姐写的好详细啊。凡人姐姐接下来有没有打算写公寓的啊? lcmm   (0 bytes , 392reads )
公寓手续见内:简单的多 凡人   (1791 bytes , 561reads )
给你说个好玩的。 watercooler   (235 bytes , 223reads )
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不知道什么时候的拉。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 186reads )
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夫妻的话第一套房产按公民算,第二套起按最贵的那个算,也就是PR啦 凡人   (0 bytes , 226reads )
高的 灵山   (0 bytes , 238reads )
。。。。 watercooler   (24 bytes , 204reads )
二手公寓基本上差不多的手续 凡人   (977 bytes , 547reads )
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MOP 凡人   (547 bytes , 464reads )
请问: 如果我们的hdb mop 是5年的。 现在4年多, ccrystal   (69 bytes , 356reads )
必须满五年才可以签OTP,可以提前个把月开始看房 凡人   (0 bytes , 193reads )
谢谢! ccrystal   (0 bytes , 183reads )
凡人mm,求科普。 flyingsnowjxc   (232 bytes , 196reads )
回答 凡人   (831 bytes , 227reads )
CPF Grant 凡人   (1832 bytes , 1380reads )
Single grant 似乎不包括non-citizen family scheme吧 FlyinWind   (5257 bytes , 684reads )
35岁以上可以,35岁以下不可以 凡人   (279 bytes , 183reads )
I see FlyinWind   (82 bytes , 222reads )
主要在于拿HDB贷款时,收入上限会不同。single 5000 另外一个 10000. -_-||   (0 bytes , 274reads )
不知道呀,坦白说我还没给公民买过房子 凡人   (0 bytes , 247reads )
新房购买收入限制 凡人   (1590 bytes , 953reads )
MM can explain a bit more? 我爱贤妻   (179 bytes , 221reads )
有关这个问题,我前面表述有误,今天特地打了个电话问HDB 凡人   (805 bytes , 279reads )
假设一对夫妇买BTO是收入没有超过上限 solo_estoy   (71 bytes , 439reads )
HDB贷款是购房前申请的,跟BANK LOAN不一样 凡人   (378 bytes , 795reads )
BTO的话,贷款利息从什么时候开始算? 你是我的眼   (152 bytes , 321reads )
BTO相关问题最好的还是问HDB 凡人   (223 bytes , 211reads )
还有就是,如果一开始申请HDB贷款,之后可以换成银行贷款吗? 你是我的眼   (20 bytes , 263reads )
这个是可以的,手续方面不清楚 凡人   (374 bytes , 174reads )
多谢 你是我的眼   (63 bytes , 314reads )
重新买房时候肯定是可以的,如果 房子re-finance去银行贷款,这个没做过 凡人   (100 bytes , 183reads )
多谢,我再跟银行和HDB询问一下 你是我的眼   (0 bytes , 241reads )
HLE=HDB loan eligibility 凡人   (0 bytes , 443reads )
什么情况可以买组屋 凡人   (1555 bytes , 826reads )
其实这个后面还有俩个SCHEME我没写 凡人   (745 bytes , 388reads )
这只是针对二手组屋吧 solo_estoy   (256 bytes , 353reads )
能买,需要未成年的那方监护人同意 凡人   (8 bytes , 355reads )