所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2016-12-13 17:03

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关于为什么要二人共有才可以claim absd回来,参见iras网站 https://www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/Other-Taxes/Stamp-Duty-for-Property/Claiming-Refunds-Remissions-Reliefs/Remissions/Remission-of-ABSD-for-A-Married-Couple/

ABSD remission may be applicable to a married couple who purchases a second residential property jointly, if the remission conditions are met. The couple must include a SC. The main conditions are as follows:

ABSD has been paid on the second residential property

The first residential property (co-owned or separately owned) is sold within 6 months from the date of purchase of the second property for completed property or the issue date of the Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) / Certificate of Statutory Compliance (CSC), whichever is earlier, if the property was uncompleted at the time of purchase

The married couple has not purchased or acquired any other residential property since the purchase of the second residential property.

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 滚雪球 的帖子 “可以了”

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【房】各位中介大佬,有没有听过ABSD remission不成功的例子? 走走   (308 bytes , 3754reads )
不放心,写信给IRAS确定 qjkk   (280 bytes , 60reads )
目前没有拿不回的,但是很少人愿意冒险 DengWei   (48 bytes , 38reads )
有个疑惑想问一下,不管是哪种senario,最大的问题不应该是SC名下算第二套房 馨儿   (33 bytes , 53reads )
如果hdb没有贷款,首付是20% 走走   (5 bytes , 42reads )
原来是付清了。厉害! 馨儿   (0 bytes , 67reads )
就是因为50%首付太多,所以选择付清hdb呀 走走   (0 bytes , 49reads )
HDB慢慢卖 凡人   (71 bytes , 40reads )
问下六个月是按哪个时间算的? gltdaisy   (41 bytes , 40reads )
租约最少要租6个月... 凡人   (0 bytes , 36reads )
楼主是sc买第三套还是Pr第二套啊? 芥末龙虾   (27 bytes , 44reads )
想claim回absd,就是pr第二套 走走   (103 bytes , 55reads )
你收益就算很不错了 芥末龙虾   (48 bytes , 43reads )
absd大概需要4-5年租金才能收回来 走走   (68 bytes , 40reads )
location好不缺cash自己不会投资保留组屋 rei331   (38 bytes , 42reads )
location不错应该是没啥争议 走走   (81 bytes , 51reads )
现在这个时候先卖后买非常重要 甲乙丙丁阿阿阿   (62 bytes , 42reads )
降点价卖出去还是没问题的,看降多少了 走走   (193 bytes , 48reads )
没看懂这层 煤炭   (160 bytes , 50reads )
其实没有那么悲观 juliana   (466 bytes , 49reads )
运气好 钱刚刚够 等批贷款的那个月吃了一个月土=p 馨儿   (137 bytes , 85reads )
那最后怎么解决的? 走走   (187 bytes , 46reads )
有可能哈。当时都没有听一家银行有说过show美金可以不用show两次这事儿 馨儿   (236 bytes , 81reads )
这就是我说的operation risk了 滚雪球   (289 bytes , 52reads )
这里的风险主要是operation level的风险 滚雪球   (277 bytes , 45reads )
那可真是坑爹 走走   (218 bytes , 40reads )
确认了就好 馨儿   (307 bytes , 74reads )
看来大多数人还是风险厌恶者 走走   (224 bytes , 44reads )
问了两个银行的三个banker 走走   (322 bytes , 54reads )
不是冒进的问题 滚雪球   (223 bytes , 39reads )
show fund还要跟银行确认清楚是不是include down payment的20%+stampy duty 3% 馨儿   (350 bytes , 90reads )
其实可以这样想 走走   (232 bytes , 44reads )
了解了下拉长otp的做法 走走   (150 bytes , 42reads )
多谢分享 滚雪球   (337 bytes , 38reads )
不是怕卖不掉 武汉伢   (489 bytes , 42reads )
是show存款用来换取工资收入贷不到的款 走走   (253 bytes , 48reads )
主要是想知道险在哪里 走走   (434 bytes , 46reads )
这是被门夹坏了的表情帝 武汉伢   (150 bytes , 43reads )
好房总会有的 武汉伢   (183 bytes , 42reads )
show美金? 滚雪球   (167 bytes , 46reads )
啧啧啧 king   (163 bytes , 32reads )
那可以找banker先估算一下 greenfox   (335 bytes , 52reads )
找banker大概问了问 走走   (222 bytes , 38reads )
那你一个人的贷款都研究过了吗 greenfox   (173 bytes , 50reads )
这个建议我要好好研究一下,谢谢啦 走走   (149 bytes , 47reads )
不成熟的小建议 大桃子   (612 bytes , 52reads )
HDB只要不是纯PR household拥有 IPMan   (690 bytes , 42reads )
这个问题要问中介 滚雪球   (202 bytes , 39reads )
@-|- 求表情帝解释 滚雪球   (168 bytes , 34reads )
有组屋的pr如果想买condo必须卖掉组屋 走走   (318 bytes , 68reads )
修改了 滚雪球   (205 bytes , 36reads )
发现一严重错误 滚雪球   (279 bytes , 33reads )
数据有点问题 走走   (1157 bytes , 41reads )
可以了 滚雪球   (186 bytes , 36reads )
早画好了 滚雪球   (150 bytes , 34reads )
画完了没啊 走走   (186 bytes , 38reads )
万事有缘 煤炭   (445 bytes , 46reads )
先卖肯定是最稳妥的 走走   (214 bytes , 47reads )
明白了 煤炭   (882 bytes , 93reads )
两个scenarios 走走   (552 bytes , 46reads )
我拿张纸画一下贴上来 滚雪球   (4 bytes , 27reads )
你必须和楼主同样遭遇 滚雪球   (78 bytes , 32reads )
你错了! 甲乙丙丁阿阿阿   (143 bytes , 44reads )
btw我们卖家比同区域历史最高价格低了不到1% 房房2015   (200 bytes , 40reads )
楼主hdb地段好,应该没那么糟糕 房房2015   (298 bytes , 34reads )
现在这价格有稍有回升但也没多少。 芥末龙虾   (444 bytes , 38reads )
感觉层主不是很理解我纠结的点 走走   (16 bytes , 46reads )
直接发信给ura rei331   (189 bytes , 58reads )
好,多谢 走走   (61 bytes , 39reads )
claim不回来就留hdb收租呗 Whitekey   (25 bytes , 47reads )
还是让中介操作先卖HDB再买公寓吧。。。 不然要是玩脱了,岂不是欲哭无泪? 功夫熊猫   (135 bytes , 58reads )
这不是不想玩脱嘛 走走   (30 bytes , 42reads )
为啥不和版主那样买卖同时进行呢? daodao   (6 bytes , 52reads )
hdb还在出租中 走走   (46 bytes , 56reads )
预感会是个火热的帖子 武汉伢   (16 bytes , 45reads )
没等有人就打大火花了啊^_^ 走走   (58 bytes , 45reads )