Parkway Shenton就是打Cervarix,三针SGD360,可以用Medisave报全款的但不是每间都可以帮你处理document,需要打电话去问一下。比较保险的是raffles place和international plaza那两间, walk in就行了。三针需要在同一间clinic打。\n\n另:2010\nFrom Nov, money in accounts can be used to pay for vaccine that cuts disease risk by 70%\n\nPARENTS and women can now use Medisave to pay for a vaccine that experts say can protect against cervical cancer. Starting next month, they can use the $300 a year allocated for outpatient treatments from their Medisave accounts to pay for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. \n\n虽网上都说是报 $300,但是我们几个都给报了全款- $360, 不知道是不是跟clinic也有关。\n再,有27岁但还没过27周岁生日的也给报了。