这个好, 建议至顶
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作者:soldier (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:61) 发表:2008-01-30 10:29:38  楼主  关注此帖
FYI: 2007 Q4 业绩报告时间Singapore Q4 2007 corporate earnings SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Following is a list of the upcoming release dates for the quarterly earnings of top Singapore-listed companies. All dates are confirmed except those marked by an asterisk (*), which means this was the date when the earnings were released in 2006. The first list sorts the companies by expected release date. The second list sorts the companies by alphabet. *Asterisk indicates this was the date when the company released earnings data last year. DATE COMPANY NAME RIC PERIOD ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- Jan 29 Fortune REIT (HK$) Q4 Jan 29 Keppel Land Q4 Jan 30 Singapore Petroleum Corp Q4 Jan 30 Singapore Post Q3 Jan 31 Keppel Corp Q4 *Jan 31 GuocoLand (more...)
这个好, 建议至顶
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作者:soldier (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:61) 发表:2008-01-30 22:21:19  2楼
本来应该是好消息, 现在新加坡这么多半导体公司都拿了政府津贴
CHARTERED 要混口饭吃是没问题的, 现在的股价也已经很低了。
以后几年CHARTERED 和中芯国际要抢一部分的半导体代工市场, 但是现在他们都亏钱。等什么时候大家停止继续投资了也就是开始赢利的时候。前一段时TEMASEK想买回CHARTERED.

但是 CHARTERED 找一家这么衰的银行借钱, 又找ASM买设备 (据说是比较便宜比较差), 很难让人提起对他的兴趣。

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作者:soldier (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:61) 发表:2008-02-01 18:08:47  3楼
蒙的么, 前一段时间看中的CHARTERED还不是跌到没渣了不过CHARTERED好象又跟法国的兴业银行借钱建FAB, 如果跌到5毛说不定是进场的好时机
CHARTERD 居然现在就开始涨了, 我还在 等你跌到 6 毛呢
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