不敢不敢,折煞我也~~ ^_^
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作者:沈喑 (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:2028) 发表:2003-07-26 08:59:11  楼主  关注此帖
中文CFM (LEVEL 1&2)某些课程经验谈国大新学期开始了,大家都开始选课了。有的要选GEM, 有的要选CFM,有的想用中文的课程来或是增长知识见闻,或是凑够学分,不论如何,诸位选择中文课程,就是对国大中文系的支持,也是对海外华文学术的支持,也是对新马华人华社的支持,愿诸位博学君子努力光大我中华文化,生生不息。 选课之时,常有疑虑,不知难易程度如何,不好轻举妄动。学徒仅从个人感官出发,结合学了8-9门中文课程的经验, 略说中文课程之难易。 中文课程,细分为二,一曰汉学,(即ch----), 一曰汉语(即cl----).多以为汉语科目较之汉学科目为易,此言不虚。 从level 1开始,计有ch1101e, cl1101e可供选择。前者为中国文学简史,后者为汉语导论。水平相当于国内初二到高三(有些可达中文系大一之水平)。总体来说都比较容易。不过因人而异。何出此言?盖授课教师不同,要求即不同,考试难易程度不同故。 ch1101e, 往往要求写期中论文,2500字左右,题目不外作品,文人之分析,要求不必有创新,有板有眼即可。又有tutorial,积极参加,积极发言,不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,更能给老师以深刻之印象,好处多。期末考试,都是问答题。题目往往是上课或者tutorial中反复强调的重点问题,往年考卷或 (more...)
不敢不敢,折煞我也~~ ^_^


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作者:沈喑 (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:2028) 发表:2003-08-05 10:36:50  2楼
想问一下,读中文系出来可以做什么阿?在考虑选科的事情 对中文比较感兴趣 可是又怕读完出来没有事情做
My Experience
Sorry to reply you in English, since I am now using an NUS computer.

Honestly speaking, the job scope is very narrow. Jobs which are relevant to what we study in Chinese Studies or Linguistics fall in three main fields: Academics, Journalism and Teaching.

It is not easy to pursue academics, until you have a phD, and it is probably not considered towards fulfilment of bonds;

For journalism, Singapore Press Holdings have their own scholars that in recent years they rarely accept other graduate. If you stand for an opportunity to be their scholar, you really must try your utmost (then we would be colleagues in future haha...);

Probably the good news comes from Teaching, as Singapore badly needs Chinese teachers for Primary and Secondary schools. Comparing to scholarships offered by major organizations and companies, the MOE scholarship for teaching mother tongue is relatively easy to get.

Nonetheless, there are still numerous jobs availeble which are not relevant to what we study. In fact, my first scholarship offer was from the Port Authority of Singapore (PSA). Even today, I could not figure out why they were willing to pay for me to study Chinese literature. However, my case was not the most absurd. PSA gave a scholarship to a college mate of mine to do Genetics in London!

In short, there is a will, there is a way.
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