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作者:走走 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:12164) 发表:2020-03-30 10:13:31  楼主  关注此帖
今天地铁上戴口罩的人多了好多接近一半的人都戴口罩了吧。站立车厢,人们也是站的比较开,基本间隔有一米,座位车厢还是贴着一起坐。 是因为周末去世的病例让有些人愿意开始戴口罩了吗?还是其他什么情况? 最近局势变化太大,新闻太多,有点看不过来了。该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2020-03-30 22:00:01。该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2020-03-31 22:00:17。 (more...)
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作者:走走 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:12164) 发表:2020-03-30 10:36:45  2楼
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Agree that we should keep the surgical as well as N95 masks for our healthcare workers as the top priority, since they face patients every day. Not just covid patients, but also other patients, who need to be protected too.

But we shouldn’t try to demonise the wearing of masks just to preserve the masks for the healthcare workers (HCWs).

Instead, we should be open to the idea of improvising masks for use among the public.

We shouldn’t laugh and snigger at people trying all sorts of protective barriers.

They can be just a plastic shield, or a plastic “curtain” from a hat, a chic designer mask, a simple folded handkerchief, perhaps with a cotton layer in between, a lovingly home sewn mask by grandma or mother.

Whatever we wish to improvise, we should not be made to feel silly or unfashionable.

A full face shield forms a barrier for the eyes, nose and mouth too.

A mask or face shield is no substitute for hand hygiene.

So do wash our hands regularly.

True, a mask or face shield may give a false sense of security and safety. That may lead people to forget the importance of washing hands and safe distancing.

But knowing Singaporeans, the vast majority are conscientious, thoughtful, and disciplined.

Yes, it’s hard to change habits bcos old habits are hard to break.

Let’s double the normal interaction gap between people when we chat. Better still, keep out of arm’s reach.

An air gap fist bump would be better than an elbow bump, and an elbow bump would be better than a handshake.

An air gap fist bump means our outstretched fist can’t touch the other person’s outstretched fist. That would be more than a meter apart.

Let’s keep interactions short and sweet, especially if we come within the safe gap.

So Mind the Gap
Keep it Short and Safe

Wash our hands regularly
Watch for fire risks if we use alcohol sanitisers

Use any mask or shield as we like -
a mask can help to isolate the virus.

A mask helps keep our saliva to ourselves. It also helps to reduce incoming droplets.

So the improvised mask or face shield would serve to isolate the virus, if any, to each of us, however imperfectly.

So don’t feel paiseh if you feel better to put on a mask.

Just try to save and preserve the 4 masks given out by Singov earlier.

This is so that we can put on our surgical mask when we are ill and going to see the doctor.
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作者:走走 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:12164) 发表:2020-03-30 18:28:27  3楼
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作者:走走 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:12164) 发表:2020-03-30 19:00:45  4楼
你觉得是因为政府觉得用处不大,才说"没病不用戴口罩"吗?反正我是不信政府会认为这个是主要原因。 当初的主要原因应该就是引导大家不要恐慌,没什么大不了的。
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