I guess Xu Zheng Hao.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-05-19 20:03:53  楼主  关注此帖
I guess Xu Zheng Hao.
After round 6-7, he probably still fresh while others already tyre punctured.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-05-24 11:35:42  2楼
I guess Xu Zheng Hao.After round 6-7, he probably still fresh while others already tyre punctured.
Any updates? How is my Xu Zheng Hao performing so far?
How many rounds already? Who leading?
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-07 09:37:06  3楼
A组前八最终排名!黄俊铭 林耀森 熊国玮 倪福良 梁永兴 姚捷方 林超贤 卢国龙A组前八最终排名! 冠军:黄俊铭 亚军:林耀森 季军:熊国玮 殿军:倪福良 第五:梁永兴 第六:姚捷方 第七:林超贤 第八:卢国龙 名次 姓名 积分 对手分 9 康德荣 5 47.5 10 廖铭濠 5 46.0 11 张友彬 5 44.0 12 黄毅鸿 5 42.5 13 朱永吉 5 33.0 14 许永坤 4.5 45.5 15 侯志雄 4.5 43.0 16 许正豪 4.5 41.5 17 苏琛富 4 42.5 18 梁文杰 4 39.5 19 巫汉梃 4 38.5 20 潘满意 3.5 38.0 21 陈靖龙 3.5 37.0 22 陈茗芳 3.5 31.5 23 郑启岁 3 34.0 24 刘再成 3 28.0 25 曹子航 1 38.0 26 洪泉发 0 32.0 (more...)
4.5/9 points ranked 14th-16th out of 26 players.
Time to have demote system. 曹子航 and 洪泉发 had gave out easy points (total both gave out easy 16points). Given 5 years ago, players with 50% score would have easily ranked 11-14.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-07 10:06:14  4楼
4.5/9 points ranked 14th-16th out of 26 players.Time to have demote system. 曹子航 and 洪泉发 had gave out easy points (total both gave out easy 16points). Given 5 years ago, players with 50% score would have easily ranked 11-14.
I propose.
Those ranked last 3 for more then 2 times to be demote to unranked player. In this way, the lousy players will either need to buck up their standard or they refrain from joining national to become Santa Clause.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-07 15:52:40  5楼
Promotion of chess should be primaryWe are all fans of chess. It would be to everyone's interest to promote the game, to have more competitions yearly and let more people enjoy the games. Ranking is secondary. Even if one particular player is lousy, but as long as he has interest, why stop him from taking part in competitions? Having a demotion system may safeguard the "integrity" of the ranking system. But this will discourage the B grade players from taking part in the competition. They can be young and upcoming players who are already champions in their own respective groups, but still find it difficult when facing the experts. For example, 陈靖龙 and 陈茗芳. This is their first time taking part in A div and they still took part despite knowing where they will probably stand. But they are willing to risk a humbling experience to learn. Same for anyone who does not mind possible humiliation for losing 7, 8, or 9 games in a row. He still enjoys playing, and has the sportsmanship to turn up for eve (more...)
Not preventing a player from taking part in competition....
but rather to allow him to play at a lower league which is more suitable for him. Now we have only 2 players giving out easy points. Imagine in the near futures we have half a dozen giving out free points?

Would you imagine by then even if a player managed to score 50%, his ranking would be something like 20th out of 26 players?
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-15 17:28:25  6楼
火影自战简说-最关键的第九轮火影 vs 徐永坤 这是全国赛第九轮。前五轮我先后战胜洪权发,侯志雄,熊国玮,战和康德荣,廖铭濠取得满意的开头。岂料第六第七轮遇到本届强大的冠亚军黄俊铭与林耀森的阻杀,名次一下掉到第八边缘。第八轮开局劣势在林超贤漏杀下侥幸一将一杀成和。第九轮之前,我和徐永坤各积4.5分,在第九轮双方必需胜才可以进入八强的前提拉开战幕。 1. 兵七进一 炮2平3 2. 炮二平五 炮8平5 3. 马二进三 马8进7 4. 车一平二 车9进1 5. 炮八平六 车9平4 6. 仕六进五 马2进1 7. 马八进七 车1平2 8. 车二进四 车4进5 9. 马七进六 士4进5 10. 马六进五 马7进5 11. 炮五进四 车2进4 红方布局夺得中兵,但左车暂时找不到出路,黑双车已出并占重要线,局面双方可以接受。 12. 相七进五 卒9进1 13. 兵九进一 车4退3 14. 炮五退二 车4平5 15. 车九进三 炮5进3 16. 车二平五 车5平4 17. 车九退三 炮3平7 18. 兵三进一 卒7进1 19. 马三进二 象7进5 20. 兵三进一 车2平7 21. 车九平八 炮7平9 22. 炮六平九 炮9进4 23. 车五平四 车4进3 我走车五平四时其实 (more...)
绝杀 or 决杀? Anyway, good game!
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-17 09:24:40  7楼
A组第六轮对局(1)图1:黄俊铭先胜梁永兴 图2:熊国玮先胜林耀森 图3:倪福良先胜康德荣 图4:林超贤先和许永坤 图5:廖铭濠先胜黄毅鸿 图6:卢国龙先负张友彬 (more...)
This round Lu Guo Long anyhow play.
Even Hong Quan Fa is a better player than him this round.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 10:03:33  8楼
应该不是吧。他老早就失去了先手。好像双方下的棋都有点疑问。张那步马2+4不好卢开局那步炮2平1不好被黑车1平2就反先了。。 应走炮8+5就优势了。如车3+1,炮8退2,车3平2,红可以兵7+1或炮8平6感觉黑左翼子里很呆容易受攻应该是红优势。后面有机会和棋的。估计卢太想赢张友彬了。 反而熊国伟这盘下得好。林耀森整盘挨打根本没有任何胜机。建议红可能不要对车好。赢起来快一点。
Your suggest cannot get clear cut advantage. My idea is
炮8+5就优势了。如车3+1,炮2平1,车3平2(or马3进2),车1平2 red is clearly better.

Move25 相3进5 (with the plan of 炮1退1 but no obvious target) is also a clear mistake, should die die 马3进4. Should black 车7进1 then 马4进6, 车7平4, 马6进4. Else lose pawns lose 兵种。

Move31 炮1平3 also no good. Should eat. 炮 1st file better than 3 file.

I'm not saying Lu Guo Long no good. But this round, Hong Quan Fa can play better than him. Once in a blue moon situation. Haha. No offence.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 10:20:07  9楼
A组第七轮对局(2)图1:梁文杰先负林超贤 图2:陈靖龙先负卢国龙 图3:侯志雄先负熊国玮 图4:姚捷方先胜潘满意 图5:黄毅鸿先胜巫汉梃 图6:郑启岁先胜刘再成 图7:陈茗芳先胜洪泉发 (more...)
Xiong Guo Wei move 52 车2退6
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 10:20:58  10楼
Xiong Guo Wei move 52 车2退6
KO already. How could he miss that?
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 10:34:33  11楼
A组第二轮对局(2)图1:郑启岁先负林超贤 图2:苏成富先和卢国龙 图3:倪福良先胜陈靖龙 图5:陈茗芳先负巫汉梃 图6:刘再成先负侯志雄 图7:洪泉发先负曹子航 (more...)
No eye see. Ni Fu Liang vs Chen Jing Long.
Almost every 3-4 moves I spot those one glance obvious mistake.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 10:37:31  12楼
No eye see. Ni Fu Liang vs Chen Jing Long.Almost every 3-4 moves I spot those one glance obvious mistake.
Both sides I mean.
Ni Fu Liang got the luck to get into top 4 this year.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 13:07:44  13楼
未必吧if black 车2退6,red 车4+6,你将5进1,黑马3+2你没那么容易KO你如再车2+4红可以炮6+1还没输呢。。想得真美呵呵
How about black continue this move?
After black 车2退6,red 车4+6,你将5进1,黑马3+2你没那么容易KO你如再车2+4红可以炮6+1

炮5平2 continue can?

My thinking line is
if black 炮5平2 red 马2+1 black 车2平4, 车4退1 将5-1, 马1+3 士4+5,
车4平5 将5平4,马3-5 车4-4
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 15:09:50  14楼
由于是比赛这步棋估计算不清。说实话很难说。但给我选我可能选多子方还有多一个变化是可以考虑就是你车2+4他可能还有将4+1 instead of 炮6+1。但这棋比较复杂还很难讲 但如是根据你的想法。感觉是红好因为黑车被吊住。可能可以车9平8 炮5平2 red 马2+1 black 车2平4, 车4退1 将5-1, 马1+3 士4+5, 车4平5 将5平4,马3-5 车4-4 .
Thanks for the pointers. I think no KO except for..
some exciting endgame possibilities.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-18 16:53:34  15楼
Base on red's reply black can consider 车7平8 chase red horse.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-21 10:12:08  16楼
erm... I mean黑炮2+1,红士5+6,黑车2平3,红(在这有几种但一个选择是可以考虑马2+1),黑车3+2,红士6退5,黑车7-1,红将4-1,黑车3平5(弃车砍士)。。。 但是自己也没摆出来看看心理计算感觉有这种骚扰。
Maybe need to have one 过门 first. How about this?
Your idea is
But red can continue 马1+3 black 将5+1 red炮6平5(献炮叫将) black车5-2 red兵5+1! black cannot eat pawn red threaten to 抽车.

We can modify your variation abit with a 过门. 黑炮2+1,红士5+6,黑车7平8 先捉马
A. 如红马2+3 黑再车2平3
B. 如红马2+1 则黑车8-6 别马后再考虑或吃马或车2平3

At office now. Can only do mental calculations. If got mistakes pls forgive.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2010-06-21 14:51:10  17楼
Jiayou to Chen Jing Long.
Seeing a few of your games, I won't give comment like 残棋功夫了得 as that is abit 按住良心说话.

Given your age, I see some potentials in you. Your talent reminds me of young GuoJiaMing. Work hard and you can reach JiaJi rank in 1-3 years time.
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