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作者:oneforall (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:886) 发表:2023-06-17 18:57:05  楼主  关注此帖





ORGANISED BY : Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture

Li Bai and the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling: Poetry and Cultural Landscape

How does a poem create a place and make it renowned? Focusing on Li Bai’s “Ascending the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling”, this lecture demonstrates how Li Bai turned the Phoenix Terrace into a landmark through his poetry; it also discusses how subsequent poets continued to write about Phoenix Terrace based on Li Bai’s work even after the site’s disappearance. The poetry series on the Phoenix Terrace tells a story about the construction of a cultural landscape, and its retelling continues to hold significance to this day.


To attend in-person: https://sccc-lectureseries-8july2023.peatix.com

Attend online: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_66OUPy2tQ_ySxQXkORq-TA



Professor Shang Wei

Event Date & Time

Jul 08, 2023 - Jul 08, 2023

2pm – 3.30pm

Duration: 1.5 hours
No intermission.


SCCC Recital Studio, Level 6

Event Language

Conducted in Mandarin


Free (pre-registration required)

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作者:oneforall (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:886) 发表:2023-06-17 19:06:42  2楼
【原创文学】李白与凤凰台诗歌到场或选网上听这个活动,可以选择去新加坡华族文化中心现场听或选择在家里上网听现场。   https://singaporeccc.org.sg/events/li-bai-and-the-phoenix-terrace-in-jinling-poetry-and-cultural-landscape/   ORGANISED BY : Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, NUS Department of Chinese Studies, Wan Boo Sow Research Centre for Chinese Culture Li Bai and the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling: Poetry and Cultural Landscape How does a poem create a place and make it renowned? Focusing on Li Bai’s “Ascending the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling”, this lecture demonstrates how Li Bai turned the Phoenix Terrace into a landmark through his poetry; it also discusses how subsequent poets continued to write about Phoenix Terrace based on Li Bai’s work even after the site’s disappearance. The poetry series on the Phoenix Terrace tells a story about the construction of a cultural landscape, and its retelling continues to hold significance to this day.   To attend in-person: https://sccc-lectureseries-8july2023.pea (more...)
不用去现场。。没有感染covid 的担忧,又可以听有深度的讲座。
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