Sharing: My experience of online dating
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-02 15:26:12  41楼
版主要锁就锁吧, 我没意见, 我已经很高兴看到这么多的回贴了.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-05 20:17:52  42楼
可以理解楼主地感受,我也是在。。。。我也是在sgchinese发征婚贴,没见过几个人。。不过邮件收到不少,形形色色的人都有。。真诚的。。虚伪的。。有风度的。。没度量的。。试试看的。。太多太多。。 有些人是目的性的。。有些人士随性的。。 其实扪心自问,那位男士,那位女士对会跟自己过小半辈子的人没有要求,没有憧憬呢?其实也未必是要求。。现在的人早已经不太相信亚当夏娃的童话,其实不过是寻找适合的人。 我觉得楼主很诚恳!世界上本来就有千万种人。。。
你的看法我挺认同的, 谢谢你的理解和支持
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-05 20:27:34  43楼
Sharing: My experience of online datingDISCLAIMER: THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE ONLY MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW, THEY ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE IN ANY WAY. NO OFFENCES ARE INTENDED. =============================================================================================================== Since we are living in a cyber world now, i thought there is a fair chance to meet Mr. Right online, plus i know a few friends who testimonied that true love could be found online. So i wrote a rough introduction about myself and my expectation for the boyfriend-to-be and posted it on two websites and The viewers of these two websites are mainly chinese, i mean mainland chinese, like myself. I thought that birds of the same feather flock together, maybe a Chinese man would suit me better than a foreigner. By the way, I have also applied SDU membership, but wasn't keen to join any activities or meet any guys there. After the ads were posted, I have received quite a lot of re (more...)
以为自己找到了, 但是好难......
最近见了一个男生, 很有好感, 可以算是一拍即合吧, 而且他也很喜欢我. PS 比我矮一点.
但是他就要去美国读书一年了, 我们都很犹豫到底是否要对这段感情付出.
其实和他聊天很久了, 但是一直没有出来见面, 就是因为他要去美国了所以就临走前见了一面,谁知道一面变成了好多面. 但是他要出国学习, 我们没有什么时间在一起了,所以现在就挺尴尬的. 他不要我等他, 大概也是不想自己有太大的思想包袱, 而我也觉得一年内不知道会发生什么事情. 所以就决定暂时把这份感情搁在一边, 约好一年后如果彼此都单身那就继续发展我们的姻缘, 不然就是有缘无分了. 不知道为何觉得内心还是有点伤感, 虽然对他认识不深, 但就是很想和他在一起的感觉, 可惜他现在对爱情处于怀疑阶段, 所以很忧郁做出任何决定. 就看一年后如何了..... 人是找到了, 但是天时地利不和啊. 命运真是捉弄人啊

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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 10:58:25  44楼
以为自己找到了, 但是好难......最近见了一个男生, 很有好感, 可以算是一拍即合吧, 而且他也很喜欢我. PS 比我矮一点. 但是他就要去美国读书一年了, 我们都很犹豫到底是否要对这段感情付出. 其实和他聊天很久了, 但是一直没有出来见面, 就是因为他要去美国了所以就临走前见了一面,谁知道一面变成了好多面. 但是他要出国学习, 我们没有什么时间在一起了,所以现在就挺尴尬的. 他不要我等他, 大概也是不想自己有太大的思想包袱, 而我也觉得一年内不知道会发生什么事情. 所以就决定暂时把这份感情搁在一边, 约好一年后如果彼此都单身那就继续发展我们的姻缘, 不然就是有缘无分了. 不知道为何觉得内心还是有点伤感, 虽然对他认识不深, 但就是很想和他在一起的感觉, 可惜他现在对爱情处于怀疑阶段, 所以很忧郁做出任何决定. 就看一年后如何了..... 人是找到了, 但是天时地利不和啊. 命运真是捉弄人啊
糟糕, 我真的恋爱了, 但是

我问他: 我算是你的女朋友吗?
他说: 不知道, 毕竟我们认识还不到一个星期呢.
我没有生气, 因为我也会作出同样的回答.

我问他: 为什么你总是提起你的前女友? 总是有拿我和她们比较的嫌疑呢.
他说: 不知道为什么很多时候就联想起以前的事情, 所以就告诉你了.
我没有生气, 因为我知道那只是他的过去, 也许是想让我更加了解他的性格吧.

我问他: 那天你执意要送我回家, 送到门前, 真的是出于礼貌吗?
他说: 真的, 因为天色太晚, 一个女生不安全.
我没有生气, 因为我感谢他告诉我真相, 喜欢他的直率和真诚.

因为他就要走了, 所以我希望可以记住我们在一起的分分秒秒, 我渴望爱一个人, 渴望义无反顾得爱一个人, 也许这份爱还没有到成熟的时候.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 11:04:51  45楼
哈哈。。。如果我没有猜错,那位去美国的男孩子是楼下跟贴者之一?sigh, 女人呀。。。
可惜, 你的猜测不正确, 他不是从HUASING网上认识的.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 11:05:48  46楼
但是对远距离爱情没有什么信心, 也许又是一段没有结果的感情.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 19:10:15  47楼
笑死了, 九哥应该不会对我有兴趣的, 他已经被我吓到了.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 23:54:13  48楼
我真的希望我可以做到这样, 但是他没有给我这个勇气, 他选择逃避.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-08 15:18:11  49楼
good writing reflecting the discrepancy of Ideal and Realitythe only way is to make sure what we want and then keep trying.
yes, i admit i have a weakness for romantism, i will keep trying, thanks
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2007-06-13 17:32:25  50楼
哦, 女强人? 不知道, 可能性格比较刚硬。 呵呵
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2007-09-09 13:56:31  51楼
the beauty of diversityWhat an interesting article to read. First let me apologize for not reading every reply in this thread. (BTW, I don’t find the interface of huasing very user friendly, especially when reading the replies; and I hate sgchinese too, as it keeps freezing my firefox.) I wish I could have followed this thread since it was posted, but, too bad, I just came back to Singapore about a month ago. And maybe it’s my problem, but I have visited this page many times and this thread didn’t catch my attention until today. Well, it’s probably my bad, as I simply ignored all ‘ding zhi’s assuming that they are all advertisements. Now, before I give my comments, let me briefly share my experiences during the past 4 weeks in Singapore on, of course, the so-called online dating. I’m honored to get a chance to meet about 10 nice ladies, all through huasing. Well, some may find it a very small sample, especially those like bbcat who may have received over 100 letters; but to me, it’s a fantasti (more...)
wah, impressive........
i think you are the first person who replies my topic in english in considerable length. I admire that!
It's definitely interesting to know a guy's perspective, actually the original intention of my post is exactly that, i wanna know what the guys are thinking while going for online dating, because i am not sure whether i am being too judgmental or the guys i met are totally "unique". Thanks for the insight, and i really appreciate it.
After the online dating experience, i have going into phase 2, which is speed dating. That's a refreshing experience for me too! Maybe i will write another article about that, hahaha..........
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2007-12-24 23:06:26  52楼
突然想到。。。 曾经有个朋友对我说过,很多女生吃饭,穿衣,买东西都那么挑,到找男朋友或者老公的时候怎么可能不挑! 后来想想的确如此,而且现在是供方市场,感觉任何一个女生周围都有一大堆跃跃欲试的男生,她们不挑,岂不是对不起自己! 不知道是男人的悲哀,还是女人的悲哀。。。 PS:只是突然想到的,和LZ没有关系,不是针对LZ,呵呵。。。
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2007-12-24 23:08:02  53楼
The article is well written. Thanks for sharing.I can see you are a sincere person. I wish to make friends with you. If you like, you can contact me by email Good luck for your searching of BF.
thanks for the encouragement, i will keep searching.......
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2008-01-05 19:34:43  54楼
There is nothing wrong to be shorter or youngerMarried, boring, or insincere guys are not accepted. But I dont think short and young guys are unacceptable . Many great man are not tall at all, such as napoleon, Deng xiao ping. ( the most important part of the body is above the neck) Younger is not sin to be a man, in current world, more and more young guys become mature enough at their young age. They knew much better than some "old" guys. In fact, I do encourage girls who could not find their Mr.Right at this time, dont set so high standards to the fellow men. Instead of outside appearance, you need to see the inside beautify of the man. Be a smart girl, find your dream guy who really cares you and loves you and will die for you . FYI, I am 25, married , I am not the kind of man in any categories you referred. And I do wish everyone can find their dream guy and girl in their life.
it's just a personal preference
for shorter guys, if you wanna self-comfort, you can always refer to historical figures who are height challenged. but let's face it, you are not preferred in the eyes of natural selection.

for younger guys, what's wrong with you? can't you find younger girls? why resort to find elder sister to look after you? Be a man!

Overall, it's just my personal preference, yes it's super biased, I apologize. After all, i am not looking for just marriage.
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