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作者:Sam_Fisher (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1547) 发表:2008-05-23 23:08:15  541楼
The Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show, Sunday 25th May(z)

Into overdrive for Sichuan quake victims
By Neo Chai Chin, TODAY | Posted: 23 May 2008 1157 hrs

SINGAPORE: Even as rescue workers in China are toiling to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake, the production team at MediaCorp Studios is working overtime to play its part in relief efforts.

Never has the team needed to put a charity show together in less than a week and staff have been working "round-the-clock, editing footage" for broadcast, said Ms Doreen Neo, senior vice-president of MediaCorp Studios' Chinese Entertainment Productions and Studios Business Division.

The Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show, to be broadcast live this Sunday from 7pm to 10pm on Channel 8, will "be a show that comes from the heart and we will be showing Singaporeans what our Chinese friends are going through," said Ms Neo.

Mr Clifton Yong, MediaCorp's executive vice-president of sales and marketing, applauded the extra hours put in by staff attending to details like securing the relevant permits, making seating arrangements and structuring the programme.

It is likely to be a simple affair, with song routines and calls for donations. Besides celebrities like Fann Wong, Zoe Tay and JJ Lin, Singaporeans from all walks of life and Chinese nationals based here will also be appearing to appeal for donations, said Ms Neo.

In addition to the three phone lines for $6, $18 and $50 donations that have been set up since Thursday, 35 more phone lines — manned by MediaCorp Radio's DJs and other celebrities — will be open to those wishing to give more than $50.

Those who give more than $5,000 will have their donations acknowledged during the broadcast.

"We want to enable everyone to pledge their donations in a more accessible way," said Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, adviser to the show and the MP for Aljunied Group Representative Committee.

MediaCorp has received calls from businesses like hawker stalls wishing to donate their takings to the quake victims and "we are setting up these new hotlines to facilitate", said Mr Yeo.

The show is organised by Unusual Productions, Scorpio East Holdings and Novena Holdings, and produced by MediaCorp. When Mr Yeo found out that Scorpio East planned to stage a live concert at the Kallang Indoor Stadium while Novena Holdings wanted to stage a concert at the Singapore Expo, he managed to get them to join forces with the other organisations and take the show to a much wider audience on national TV.

Supermarket giant NTUC FairPrice will also be collecting donations for the Sichuan quake victims. From today to June 14, the public can make donations at all FairPrice outlets and Cheers convenience stores, making it "more convenient for the public to show their concern", said Mr Seah Kian Peng, FairPrice's managing director. - TODAY
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作者:14202 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1356) 发表:2008-05-24 01:02:17  542楼
刚刚看到一张强悍的图片...这.... (more...)
什么是 机麻?

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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2008-05-24 14:53:58  543楼
什么是 机麻? 麻将机?
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作者:笔笔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:16) 发表:2008-05-25 20:01:23  544楼
震撼人心的那只手(图)这是5月16日晚拍摄的四川省绵竹市汉旺镇东汽中学发掘现场的一幕――一名死难学生手里紧紧攥着一支笔。 新华社发(刘忠俊 摄) (more...)
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作者:笔笔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:16) 发表:2008-05-25 20:05:25  545楼
不法分子冒充志愿者在北川盗窃30人被抓(图)(z) 5月16日,北川县城。两名男子被愤怒的群众包围,这两个人在地震后潜入别人的家中偷盗现金与贵重物品,被警方抓获。何龙盛 摄 本报讯 (记者杨万国)成千上万的志愿者冒险在北川参与抗震救灾时,一些不法分子冒充志愿者入城偷盗。昨日,北川前线指挥部负责安保的一位警察介绍,目前北川有许多冒充志愿者的盗窃人员。已经抓住30多名,这些人目前被拘留15日。 昨日下午,记者在北川县城看到,2个小时民警就抓住了4名涉嫌进入北川县城盗窃的人员。其中有2名人员冒充志愿者,还有2名则是逃难的灾民模样。 在北川抗震救灾前线指挥部负责安保工作的一位警察介绍,15日晚上,他们就抓住了30多名这样的不法分子。 这位警察介绍,这些人许多都是有犯罪前科的,有的是吸毒人员。这些不法分子有的是北川本地人,有的是从汶川翻山过来的。他们有的冒充志愿者,有的装成逃难的农民模样,进入北川县城后,在没有完全倒塌的房屋内翻箱倒柜。 他介绍,从搜查情况看,这些人盗窃的有金银首饰、电脑设备。 记者14日进入北川县城即看到,路边一些卖电脑的商店,还有手机通讯店,都有翻箱倒柜的痕迹。一些被翻开的盒子丢在坍塌的马路边。 该县政府扶贫局的工作人员 (more...)
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作者:笔笔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:16) 发表:2008-05-25 20:08:29  546楼
空15军强行空降牺牲四人(图Z) 他们中有多少人会不幸被卷入江水中,有多少人会被丛生的林木割破身体,有多少人会遭遇到地震和暴雨后的山体滑坡,又有多少人会在营救过程中遭遇楼房的再次坍塌,还会有多少人吸入震中的有毒气体,感染上灾后的流行疫病……会有多少人受伤?又会有多少人死去?平原上恶劣气候状况下强行跳伞的伤亡率就接近三成,何况还是在山区,何况还是在地震后的山区?我不敢去计算那个可怕的几率,只能和所有人一样,在心里默默地为他们祈祷。   之后在铁血社区里搜索到信息,说是凤凰卫视报道了,空15军第一批小分队强行空降,一个连队150人冒着暴雨雷电空降,之后向大本营报告的136人,牺牲4人,10人联系不上,但随后翻遍凤凰网也查找不出确切信息,只能查到说今日早晨8点后冒险空降的官方信息,跟空军弟弟那里也联系不上,一时间无法核实,那一刻,我不相信这是真的,不自觉泪流满面。 这次负责空降的15军空降兵此前应该从没有训练过山地空降,而且没有一个国家会做这样的训练,要做这样的训练所导致的大规模伤亡谁都负责不起责任。而且这次出动的15军3个直辖师都是最精锐的部队,真的拼命了,我的空军弟弟早前有透露,这次的4500直属空降兵第一梯队是全部写好遗书去的。    (more...)
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作者:june (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:56) 发表:2008-05-26 00:27:26  547楼
The Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show, Sunday 25th May(z)http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/349527/1/.html Into overdrive for Sichuan quake victims By Neo Chai Chin, TODAY | Posted: 23 May 2008 1157 hrs SINGAPORE: Even as rescue workers in China are toiling to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake, the production team at MediaCorp Studios is working overtime to play its part in relief efforts. Never has the team needed to put a charity show together in less than a week and staff have been working "round-the-clock, editing footage" for broadcast, said Ms Doreen Neo, senior vice-president of MediaCorp Studios' Chinese Entertainment Productions and Studios Business Division. The Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show, to be broadcast live this Sunday from 7pm to 10pm on Channel 8, will "be a show that comes from the heart and we will be showing Singaporeans what our Chinese friends are going through," said Ms Neo. Mr Clifton Yong, MediaCorp's executive vice-president of sales and (more...)
Fong Seng Nasi Lemak 捐了5000
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