If the density function is fa(t) and fb(t) where 10<=t<=11
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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6860) 发表:2005-02-20 21:53:37  楼主  关注此帖评分:
求解一道高中概率题小A与小B约好早晨在咖啡店见面.两人到达咖啡店的时间均为10am-11am. 且每人最多只等对方20分钟,求两人成功碰面的概率是多少? 记得好像用面积法做,具体忘了。。
If the density function is fa(t) and fb(t) where 10<=t<=11
then the answer is a double integral on fa and fb

\int\int|ta-tb|<1/3 {f(ta)*f(tb)} dta dtb

use two step integral to do it

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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6860) 发表:2005-02-21 23:13:12  2楼
the arrival time of a and b
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