既然A哥讲了共产主义我记得初中的政治老师,一个年轻点的小伙,整天头发梳得油光发亮,上政治课的时候非常的进入感情,他的口头禅就是,在共产主义时代,是物质产品极大丰富的时代,到时候大家就是按需分配......( 我们就在下面面面相觑,实在是告不懂什么叫作按需分配......)
from supply/demand relationship point of view, make perfect sense.
only two assumptions:
everyone work voluntarily and as hard as Aspernet does
nobody is greedy, and as the result, produced resources are sufficent for everyone
and the two assumptions will be satisfied when
every social member has a noble soul