sell CFA L3 reading material (4 books)
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作者:box (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1469) 发表:2007-01-30 19:39:11  楼主  关注此帖
注意注意!CFA Study Partner,买/卖CFA各级Notes等请跟此贴貌似版上很多考CFA的,以后要买notes或找partner的就请跟在这儿,其他另开贴做买卖的一律删除。 本贴将自动沉浮一段时间,引起各位足够重视之后会置顶。 谢谢! 财经版斑竹签名: Economist frpapaya 邓可
sell CFA L3 reading material (4 books)
a friend brought them from china last year. content should be for 06 and 07.

B1. Ethic and invest tools
B2. Asset Valuation
B3. Portfolio mgt
B4. Portfoilio mgt

intersted, pls contact 94794766 (sms preferred during working hours).

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作者:box (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1469) 发表:2007-01-30 19:39:49  2楼
sell CFA L3 reading material (4 books)a friend brought them from china last year. content should be for 06 and 07. B1. Ethic and invest tools B2. Asset Valuation B3. Portfolio mgt B4. Portfoilio mgt intersted, pls contact 94794766 (sms preferred during working hours).
content should be same for 06 and 07
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