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作者:神州六号 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1741) 发表:2006-03-07 00:32:24  61楼

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作者:CFA (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:805) 发表:2006-03-07 10:37:06  62楼
well, i figure some people have value > 5M here.simply estimate their assets 10 years (20 years) later and divided by the inflation rate in 10 (20) years. Ye, that's the present value. haha, just kidding.
Good Point! I think DCF model is more appropriate here. But USD5m is abit hard
Based on my model, if one super high flyer reaches Tier One I-Bank VP in 5 years and subsequetly get promoted to Director in another 5 years and retires in the next 10 years, given a long-term discount rate of 4%, his NPV today is still less than USD4m.

Moral of the Story: Have to generate positive cashflow from investing activities to make up the inadequate cashflow generated from "operations". Haha.
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作者:牛魔王 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5225) 发表:2006-03-07 10:51:22  63楼
Good Point! I think DCF model is more appropriate here. But USD5m is abit hardBased on my model, if one super high flyer reaches Tier One I-Bank VP in 5 years and subsequetly get promoted to Director in another 5 years and retires in the next 10 years, given a long-term discount rate of 4%, his NPV today is still less than USD4m. Moral of the Story: Have to generate positive cashflow from investing activities to make up the inadequate cashflow generated from "operations". Haha.
en..not bad. you have the same thoughts as chen jiulin had before.
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作者:神州六号 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1741) 发表:2006-03-07 11:05:23  64楼
再回复基金的表现并没有持续性。表现持续超过市场,或表现总体超越市场的基金并不是没有。 在扣除基金收取的各种费用之后,投资者得到的平均回报率都不如指数。这句话的重点是“平均”二字。假如我买了7只基金,并不需要他们每一支都超越市场表现,其中有一只成为麦哲伦(年回报率近33%)就可以使我的组合很棒了。 基金的风险比定期存款高得多。 看你投资的时间有多长了,不到一年的话,基金的风险肯定比定期存款大得多,但如果投资20年的话,回报少于定期存款的好像还真不多见。 对新加坡的普通投资者来说,可选择的债券基金很少。 看了一下,似乎不少,因为新加坡的债券基金会在全球范围进行投资。 以下链接是我搜索出来的可投资的新加坡债券基金。 http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/generateTable.svdo 债券基金 另附表现最好与最差基金: http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/worst_Funds.tpl 表现最差基金 http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/topFunds.tpl 表现最佳基金

九个月前买投资印度市场的基金,半年前买日本,三个月前买韩国,这都挣得不清不楚,下一个呢?会不会是 Nasdaq???
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-03-07 11:36:36  65楼
en..not bad. you have the same thoughts as chen jiulin had before.
that is why need to worry about risk on investment...
so return and risk...
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-07 13:52:22  66楼
So better stay away from Taiwan shares lor...The sign of Mr Chen will do something similar have been very obvious for quite long... Of course if you want to take high risk and get high gain, just try it lor...
global market
do you think you can stay away from global market?

Face the risk and deal with it

BTW, Pred. Chen is just an example. Example.
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作者:forumstart (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1062) 发表:2006-03-07 14:05:20  67楼
5M=5百万? OMG!
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-07 17:31:03  68楼
No need 911. "President Chen" continue do some more things, some affect will beseen. China now military exercise, barking dog, wont bite you might say, Chen's fellow now one more step , want to add "2 countries" into constitution, how to react? Not necessarily a 911. but some "smaller" things, we small investor will already cannot take it lah.
Haha, I know you are just giving an example
But I am actually talking about those cases that happens suddenly with no sign even 1 day before. (e.g. 911). Thus why I say Mr Chen's story is totally different from 911. And for most cases like Mr Chen's, we can take some preventative actions to minimize our lost.
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作者:CFA (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:805) 发表:2006-03-07 17:38:56  69楼
en..not bad. you have the same thoughts as chen jiulin had before.
Well, if you really wanna squeeze out some "similarities" between us, I guess: -
CJL doesn't understand the Market;
CFA doesn't understand 牛魔王 :))))
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作者:老火锅 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:11) 发表:2006-03-10 23:56:00  70楼
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-11 00:43:29  71楼
Why not?
Only your 1st payment is from your pocket, the rest from your CPF only. Work for another 1 or 2 year you should get at least something. Unless you hold the same idea as 梅花宝剑 that investment need at least 100K.
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作者:老火锅 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:11) 发表:2006-03-11 01:05:29  72楼
Why not?Only your 1st payment is from your pocket, the rest from your CPF only. Work for another 1 or 2 year you should get at least something. Unless you hold the same idea as 梅花宝剑 that investment need at least 100K.
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-11 02:33:47  73楼
Well, it is a different case then
And I think that's why I see quite some couples married for 5 years or more but still have no kid yet.
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作者:xiaoqiuqiu (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:286) 发表:2006-03-12 00:13:31  74楼
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