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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-01-07 17:16:54  楼主  关注此帖
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2010-01-08 00:04:28  2楼
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-01-08 01:12:26  3楼
《庄子》cannot find mention of 棋理 after going through 3x only...
say things about how to be a better person.

Please advise on which section to focuz on.
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2010-01-08 10:53:57  4楼
《庄子》cannot find mention of 棋理 after going through 3x only...say things about how to be a better person. Please advise on which section to focuz on.

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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-01-08 13:14:36  5楼
《庄子》 is it have 33 chapters with many 内篇,外篇,杂篇? 《孙子》...
and 8-12 others china-based art of war by past military generals/advisors we have gone through. But we only managed to consolidated around 30% while we find other art of war info by American, French and other non-china-based military experts to make it more comprehensive. Should be done by 2012 or 2015.

On the same note, our 中国象棋棋规 consolidation effort should have its 1st draft before end of 2010.
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作者:洛三儿 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:184) 发表:2010-01-08 17:36:44  6楼
《庄子》 is it have 33 chapters with many 内篇,外篇,杂篇? 《孙子》...and 8-12 others china-based art of war by past military generals/advisors we have gone through. But we only managed to consolidated around 30% while we find other art of war info by American, French and other non-china-based military experts to make it more comprehensive. Should be done by 2012 or 2015. On the same note, our 中国象棋棋规 consolidation effort should have its 1st draft before end of 2010.
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-01-08 17:38:39  7楼
Who is 庄孙子? He also write on 棋理?
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作者:逢人让双马 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:73) 发表:2010-01-08 18:14:36  8楼
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2010-01-08 18:27:51  9楼

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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-01-08 18:29:33  10楼
A bit hard...
In XQ context,
the 1st is more about playing a primarily draw mindset using trades, chess rules or draw end-game endings.

The 2nd is an attack mindset through making kill moves, expanding leads, neutralising the materials, exploiting weakness in formation or position or mental weakness of opponents. Only result is win/lose , no draw option.

If do both at same time can result in 精神混淆. In practice, it is hard to switch from one to another within the same game as can be seen in many games.
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