但古语有云 人大北大不如X大
圣人亦曰 门门功课都考A,不如胸前一对C啊
该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2014-11-18 22:00:01。
但古语有云 人大北大不如X大
圣人亦曰 门门功课都考A,不如胸前一对C啊
Early this summer, data analysts found an interesting trend in the analysis of Alibaba's bra sales: women who bought bigger sizes spend more money. Alibaba's analysts divided bra consumers into four categories according to their online spending power. They found that 65% of women who bought B cup belong to "low online spending power" category, while most of women who bought C cup or bigger sizes have "medium" online spending power or above.
The reason might be that those who bought B cup are young women with low purchasing power. And this is just one piece of information sorted out from millions of orders each day on Alibaba's e-commerce payment platform.