就在我们身边case,就在这个论坛里……Uncle Chung come in pls!
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作者:PVBNUS (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:300) 发表:2011-03-26 14:12:11  楼主  关注此帖
就在我们身边case,就在这个论坛里……Uncle Chung come in pls!



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作者:UncleChung (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:116) 发表:2011-03-29 09:23:49  2楼
Reply From Uncle Agony
If you are the webmaster in a commercial setting then refer to the contract which should state your rights and obligations. There is certainly some misunderstanding. Since this is a volunterr organisation perhaps better to sit down and iron out the differences over a coffee or hotpot which is better. If you invite me along I will supply the beer.
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作者:PVBNUS (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:300) 发表:2011-03-31 17:32:39  3楼
Reply From Uncle AgonyIf you are the webmaster in a commercial setting then refer to the contract which should state your rights and obligations. There is certainly some misunderstanding. Since this is a volunterr organisation perhaps better to sit down and iron out the differences over a coffee or hotpot which is better. If you invite me along I will supply the beer.
Thanks, Mr.Chung. And......
We don't think this event can be interceded by a coffee or hotpot now.
Because someone(used ID:administrator) said:"我们是综合了多方面的因素和慎重考虑以及内部激烈的讨论才做出此决定", the URL is http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=104_11530297
but nobody informed me and the other webmasters beforehand, only one ID(hspice) sent me a message:"通知,贵版即将与绿茵风采合并为“体坛风云”", and then it is made just in 3 hours.

You can go to 意见公告 to get some new progress, the URL:

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作者:PVBNUS (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:300) 发表:2011-03-31 17:58:45  4楼
Thanks, Mr.Chung. And......We don't think this event can be interceded by a coffee or hotpot now. Because someone(used ID:administrator) said:"我们是综合了多方面的因素和慎重考虑以及内部激烈的讨论才做出此决定", the URL is http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=104_11530297 but nobody informed me and the other webmasters beforehand, only one ID(hspice) sent me a message:"通知,贵版即将与绿茵风采合并为“体坛风云”", and then it is made just in 3 hours. You can go to 意见公告 to get some new progress, the URL: http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=104_11529634 http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=104_11530640 http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=104_11531269
and I try to let everybody calm down.....
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:PVBNUS (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:300) 发表:2011-03-31 23:13:50  5楼
and I try to let everybody calm down.....http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=104_11532764
the URL is closed above. my opinion and advice:
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