i believe when you believe you can. you will make it.
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作者:她的妈妈不爱我 (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:573) 发表:2004-03-17 15:22:53  楼主  关注此帖
为什么?为什么?为什么?这一切都是为什么? 为什么别人有了宝马车了还要没事撞俩人玩玩,而我却连一辆自行车都买不起? 为什么别人有了老婆还要包二奶三奶四奶五奶六奶七奶一直到十几奶玩玩,而我连一个我爱又爱我的人都找不到? 为什么别人吃山珍海味都腻了还要吃个老鼠蟑螂苍蝇蚊子什么的玩玩,而我连吃顿麦当劳都要考虑他个十好几分钟,吃完了好要心痛个十好几小时? 为什么别人住着几百尺的别墅还要在院里搞个花园游泳池高尔夫球场玩玩,而我连买一套二居室的分期付款的首期按揭都要向老爸老妈要钱? 我他妈的从小是好学生,小学毕业以优异成绩考上初中,毕业以优异成绩考上高中,毕业以优异成绩考上大学,毕业以优异成绩找到工作,自己觉得还不错,到头来却发现自己一个月的辛苦赚得那几张还没有小学女同学两腿一分叫一夜赚得钱多??? 为什么?为什么?这一切都是为什么?
i believe when you believe you can. you will make it.
nothing is impossible as long as you really have the determination. An iron mind can overwhelming anything in a long run. dun look at the small win or lose just in front of you. In ten years, in 20 years, you will be the man who others admired. You may need to walk a long way compared to those who has affiliation to achieve the same goal. But this is the only way to go. just go.
To live as if you were to die tomorrow, to learn as if you were to live forever.
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