parrot jj以及其他consulting的牛人们,讲讲形势吧今年12月或者明年6月毕业,NUS master,目前在找工作中。很早就以consulting作为努力的方向,可是拿到学校career center的recruitment talk schedule之后发现,只有一家AT Kearney会来。印象中去年一年只有bcg来过。我知道可以自己去各大公司网上网申,可是看到schedule里面各大投行都有上榜consulting却只有一家,担心这是不是说明招人少?或者是什么别的信号?
另外:NTU/Insead的同学,你们的recruitment talk schedule里面有没有consulting呢?
"consult" = "Con" + "insult"
Although it's a joke, but it does explain some job nature of commercial consulting engagement. In terms of job progress, be it management consulting or IT consulting, usually will start from job/engagement delivery, then progress to project management or sales or both if you are good.