(个人看法)今天在arts canteen的所见所闻
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作者:海新 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1019) 发表:2004-01-20 19:45:28  41楼
if that's meI'll say:F**k off,B**ch.
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作者:易杰 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1053) 发表:2004-01-20 21:08:54  42楼
回忆起原来还住在sbw的时候,每次从国大放学,要坐校车回去。新来一辆车,基本上上去10个左右女生,上面的位置就没了。有些女生冲上去最大限度脱下身上可以脱的东西把前后左右的座位都占了。自己的,bf的,roommates的, roommates bf的,roommates bf's roommates的……

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作者:无它 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:235) 发表:2004-01-20 21:11:48  43楼
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作者:仙流命 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:851) 发表:2004-01-20 21:20:34  44楼
我觉得占座位才是一种不好行为回忆起原来还住在sbw的时候,每次从国大放学,要坐校车回去。新来一辆车,基本上上去10个左右女生,上面的位置就没了。有些女生冲上去最大限度脱下身上可以脱的东西把前后左右的座位都占了。自己的,bf的,roommates的, roommates bf的,roommates bf's roommates的…… 我不是说所有人都这样啦,但这样的女生大有人在。
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作者:临水照花 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:856) 发表:2004-01-20 21:31:13  45楼
下面这个是我朋友告诉我的To show that not only Chinese are doing this, but a lot of people are not familiar and comfortable with this "culture". 我朋友的一个朋友从欧洲来,有一天他在canteen坐下吃饭,一个女孩子过来说"sorry this is my seat." 欧洲人:"why you say this is your seat? I think it is first come first serve?" 女孩子:"Oh, b'coz I put my tissue paper here oledi." 欧洲人:"So are you saying that if you put your tissue paper here, the seat belongs to you? I am not quite convinced, could you please call the canteen manager and explain the rule explicitly for me?" 女孩子(Raising Voice):"@#$%&! how come you like that wat! I put the tissue paper here means I got the seat wat." 欧洲人(Raising Voice):"So the tissue paper represents you? You so cheap? A 50c tissue paper can represent you already? Then here is 1 dollar, take it and go away." .....
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作者:lucyzcm (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:937) 发表:2004-01-20 21:35:43  46楼
我觉得占座位才是一种不好行为回忆起原来还住在sbw的时候,每次从国大放学,要坐校车回去。新来一辆车,基本上上去10个左右女生,上面的位置就没了。有些女生冲上去最大限度脱下身上可以脱的东西把前后左右的座位都占了。自己的,bf的,roommates的, roommates bf的,roommates bf's roommates的…… 我不是说所有人都这样啦,但这样的女生大有人在。
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作者:春意盎然老鸭煲 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:172) 发表:2004-01-20 21:48:25  47楼
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作者:MCzz (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3091) 发表:2004-01-20 23:14:33  48楼
its ok,man
tha wuz mah bad ,boss.
As for 'em malaysians, I gotta tell ya sumthin'.aight.one gotta accept therrr inherited shortcomingz,nah im sayin'.like:
lots of Chinese are vain muthafuckaz just like myself,lots of Indianz are smelly noisy bastards ,think most of yo hav da experiences.Vietnamese are noisy too,tho they are better in takin' other people stuff without permission.Japanese are selfish,Americans are bad role-models cause they drink everyday and puke all over.As fo u malayZianz,i shouldnt say anythin' as boss has warned me.Figure em out yoself,u think faster and learn faster if u know the other side of ya,instead of juz feelin insulted.
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作者:MCzz (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3091) 发表:2004-01-20 23:26:57  49楼
that wuz abusolutely aight,man ,appreciate.
yo know,itz 'em stupid f**kin' rule man,not ourz and nevva 'onna be ourz.

and itz nevva got documented or somethin' that makes it legal sh*t.

So people listen up.when u are ever asked to leave tha seat cuz they took it by juz puttin' 'em bagz,it means that m*thaf*ckin' punk or hoe iz insulting yo human rite .Cuz that B**ch or punk ass muz think yo stupid as 'em .So!!Its gonna be absolutely aight fo u to use some foul language as they are sayin' yo stupid.But to avoid trouble gettin' 'em crazy or so.Itz betta to juz say loudly in 'em singlish:go f**k yourself,lah,bia*ch (or bastard).
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作者:MCzz (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3091) 发表:2004-01-20 23:31:21  50楼
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作者:海风 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5480) 发表:2004-01-20 23:39:12  51楼

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作者:海风 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5480) 发表:2004-01-20 23:44:45  52楼
一看到computer centre 有locked的pc,我就知道有机器用了,不管那时有多少人。
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作者:绿油油 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1068) 发表:2004-01-21 01:16:12  53楼
下面这个是我朋友告诉我的To show that not only Chinese are doing this, but a lot of people are not familiar and comfortable with this "culture". 我朋友的一个朋友从欧洲来,有一天他在canteen坐下吃饭,一个女孩子过来说"sorry this is my seat." 欧洲人:"why you say this is your seat? I think it is first come first serve?" 女孩子:"Oh, b'coz I put my tissue paper here oledi." 欧洲人:"So are you saying that if you put your tissue paper here, the seat belongs to you? I am not quite convinced, could you please call the canteen manager and explain the rule explicitly for me?" 女孩子(Raising Voice):"@#$%&! how come you like that wat! I put the tissue paper here means I got the seat wat." 欧洲人(Raising Voice):"So the tissue paper represents you? You so cheap? A 50c tissue paper can represent you already? Then here is 1 dollar, take it and go away." .....
以前就收到过一模一样的MASSMAIL, 这段对话流传N年了
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作者:ropin (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2004-01-21 01:33:33  54楼
not a big matteri always consider it is a waste of resource to chop a seat first then go and queue for food in canteen. And I hate those pple taking big table for single meal. Chinese doing things in different way as Singaporean, they have try to accept it as we are trying to learn their culture
PGP的study room才可怕
一到快期末的时候,有的一两家子几乎是把家搬到study room去了,四个人把所有的桌子拼在一起,上边乱七八糟的课本字典美禄咖啡水杯热水器,让你实在没有办法找到空隙,然后还经常白天一整天没人
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作者:ropin (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1126) 发表:2004-01-21 01:34:21  55楼
PGP的study room才可怕
一到快期末的时候,有的一两家子几乎是把家搬到study room去了,四个人把所有的桌子拼在一起,上边乱七八糟的课本字典美禄咖啡水杯热水器,让你实在没有办法找到空隙,然后还经常白天一整天没人
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2004-01-21 10:23:08  56楼
PGP的study room才可怕一到快期末的时候,有的一两家子几乎是把家搬到study room去了,四个人把所有的桌子拼在一起,上边乱七八糟的课本字典美禄咖啡水杯热水器,让你实在没有办法找到空隙,然后还经常白天一整天没人
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2004-01-21 13:17:08  57楼
但是敢放书包的那就别怕书包丢了,或者跟人打架.大学里打架一般都是为这种事. 这种行为可能出现,但放书包的那人绝不象新加坡人那样不紧不慢,为了保证书包不丢一定要快点买才行. 而这里经常是一个书包躺在座位上半个钟头,而让别人四处找座位.STUDYROOM跟LIBRARY也是,他可以一天不去学习,但书跟书包一定要在那占着.什么人啊,这都是!!!!
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